Sorry guys i just need a moment

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Im sorry to take a moment out of your precious time...and get your hopes up on something not needed in the story.....but I just wanted to take a moment and tell you guys the reason behind this and Hinata's suicide....

I want to die...I want to hang myself from a tree and swing back and forth by my neck....I hate being alive....

No, that doesn't make me a Im not faking it to get attention....Yes my parents do know...No they refuse to get me help.

You see my parents are the type that think depression is self caused....but im sorry to say that when you grow up being lied to then your mother leaves you for a man drops you off somewhere else and then doesnt come to see you for 8 years...when everything you do seems to come crashing down on you and your used abused and thrown away... Then no its not self caused...

yes i have tryed to help myself...No it didn't work

Guys what im trying to say is this book is me.....its not a fan fiction the very first chapter is what i want to do...Ive cut arms legs chest thighs fingers name it ive probably cut it....Ive even hung myself from my book didn't work i was too tall so here i am alive...and hating it...../

ok now on to something else....You don't know everyone.....dont pick on others and say i was playing cause some people's parents say the same thing when they are home...and mean it..

I live in a menatally abusive home where im dumb selfish stupid slut hoe fucktard ass hat ect. . . and i will dedicate a special chapter at the end of this just to answer any and all questions you might have along the way...and this chapter will be moved to the front of my book so that i can get to all of them... So im here for you dont give up talk to me cause i know youve heard this alot but your special to me and even if i dont know you i know you walk the same path i do everyday and i want to help you limp along...Hell we could hold each other up so we dont fall...and right about now i need someone so...yeah if you could can you please message me 

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