Sai's reaction

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Sai sat in his room. He didn't have the will to move. Today was Sakura's funeral but he couldn't bring himself to go. To go would be like saying that her death had purpose and honestly it didn't. Her death served no greater purpose. Her death didn't help save a life or change a person's view. She snuffed out her life as easily as you snuff out a match.

And for what? Because she felt as if she was unloved? Why did she feel unloved? What was wrong with his affection? He always played with her! Always teased her! He did exactly what the books said!

And yet she felt the need to kill herself....

Sai picked up the can of *sake and took a big gulp. It burned as it slowly went down his throat, but he still felt the need for more. It helped with the dull ache in his stomach. A feeling he hadn't been able to shake since he had helped find her body.

In fact the very image of her mangled body was still fresh in his mind!

Sai sighed once more and picked up the letter he had been given days early but had only just found the time to read. In it, Sakura had said he had found feelings for Ino. But that could not be further from the truth.

In fact he had found feeling for a boy with very "bushy" eyebrows.

Yep, Sai was gay. He was totally gay for Rock Lee. For some reason he found the boy's over confident persona attractive. Something about the way the boy's emotion was so easy for him to tap into. Lee had stolen Sai's heart and wasn't giving it back soon.

Suddenly a knock at the door pulled Sai from his thoughts. "Who is it?" he called.

"Lee's sensai, Might Gai," the person said throught the door. Why would Gai be here? What did he want with Sai? And would he have Kakashi with him? Sai realized the only way to figure any of those questions was to find the strength to get up out of his easy chair and actually open the damn door.

But man did he not want to!

Again, Sai let out a barely-there sigh and pulled himself from his sitting position. He crossed the living room and paused before throwing the door open and putting on a fake smile.

"Hello," he said with a sickly sweet smile.

"Knock it off boy!" Gai said in his overly loud voice. Sai took the time to notice that a white haired man was hanging on Gai. Both were were plain black clothing. Something Sai had never seen either wear.

Sai didn't let the confusion cross his face as he said, "Whatever do you mean?"

Gai clenched his teeth and tried to control the urge to hit the young boy in front of him, "You know what I mean! Lee is in love with you and you know it! He NEEDS you right now! You KNOW that! I don't understand why you continue to play with his feelings but it better stop now before I put a stop to it understand!?"

Sai could feel the anger radiate from the older man, but his body refused to act. Confusion spread across his face. Then a foreign feeling spread across him. He vaguely recognized it as happiness and love.

Suddenly a fist connected with his face and he was thrown back into his house! "Get your clothes on!" Gai commanded, "You're going to the funeral with us!"

Kakashi burst into tears at the mention of the funeral. Apparently not the first time he had cried today, because Gai already had a tissue awaiting.

Sai scrambled to his room and threw on his 'funeral' clothes, afraid of being hit. The only things on his mind was saying good-bye to his best friend and confessing to the love of his life.

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Sake is an alcoholic drink in japan

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