I'm a terrible person

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Cuz I am so so so so so so so so so sorry but I really need to ask you guys something if I go to Twitter per se or Instagram how many of you guys with all of me for updates on like certain stories and stuff and also I promise you guys I will have the next chapter in within 2 weeks. I've already got it all in my head, I just really need some time to get it on two pieces of paper and to organize my thoughts, and yeah so but anyways how many of you would follow me on Twitter? For updates on stories and if I ever get discovered by Publix year how many of you would follow me in Instagram, how many of you would I don't know Instagram me I know but this will also make it easier for me guys it would make it easier to connect with you guys because my Wattpad stupid and doesn't notify me of your texts or your notifications and I don't know how many of you guys will follow me for updates on stories I'm clean and I'm so sorry not only this but also make it easier for me to get ahold of one of you in case I don't know something bad happened I just need someone if I do get it and that's all up to you guys because I love you my name would still be a sin beard on both Twitter and Instagram there is no doubt about that and if for some reason does that name taken then it will be something like suicide writer or SN beard 99 so anyways I will get back to you on the next chapter if I do happen to get one and if I don't I will still tell you but again a lot of my story has to do with what you guys want and then what's going to go make you guys happy so just get back to me on this and I'll go from there thanks

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