Sasuke's Reaction

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It had been almost an entire year since that day Sasuke got his letter from Sakura. And even though it was a terrible tragedy, he was still very grateful for the life Sakura gave him. He never actually got to tell her that he loved her. He never got to apologize for all the things he did to her. 

And why, you might ask did he not get to tell her how he felt? Because he got sent on a long mission to prove his loyalty to the Leaf village. One where he was half way across the world. 

And the night Sakura had been talking about was actually a very fun night. When he had gotten back, he, Sakura, and Naruto had decided to go out and drink just a little bit. Of course they were all underage, but somehow Naruto had gotten a hold of some sake. And you know the rest. 

Sasuke was sent on a mission the very next day, leaving Sakura alone, naked, and probably very depressed. He had kicked himself for an entire year when he was gone. He didn't even know she got pregnant or that she had to be sent to on a mission just to cover it up! Oh god how stupid he was. 

Sasuke remembered every detail of the day he got that letter from the clone. He was one of the very first people to get a letter. He was the first person to tell Tsunada. He hadn't mentioned the suicide because he hadn't actually gotten that. He had just scanned it and seen that she had gotten pregnant. He read where she had left the child and that her name was Sarada, but that was it. Tsunada seemed to have a lot more information and was even able to give him a picture of her. It wasn't until after he had gotten the child had he realized that Sakura wasn't able to share his joy. In fact they had already had her funeral. 

Yes, to clear it up, it HAD taken him more than a month to find Sarada. It had actually taken him about two months because they had started transporting some of the orphans to the Sand Village due to being overfilled. He had to go all the way there just to get her. 

You will never know the joy that filled him when he first seen that little girl. She had just turned two years old when he finally got to hold her. The way she acted made his heart squeeze in his chest. She was so loving and was so happy. When he told her she was coming home with him, Sarada actually laughed. Her very toothy smile was the cutest thing he had ever seen. Sasuke couldn't have been more proud. 

But the only thing was, how would he take care of her? He was still a ninja and a very single one at that. There was no one to watch her when he went away. Would he still continue to be a ninja? Sasuke decided that from this point on he would only accept missions in or close to the village! He needed to start thinking like a father, damn it! 

______________TIME SKIP_________________________

It had been a month since Sakura's funeral and Sarada was settling nicely. In fact she had already taken over the house! He was actually walking with her right now. 

Sasuke had found out real quick Sarada was a very curious child and ended up  getting her a stroller. It had quickly become a routine to take her out right before the sun went down.  On this night though, something would change. 

Sasuke was walking past the Uzumaki house, he noticed that Naruto had his head in his hands. Hinata was standing next to him and it looked like she had been crying. Something must be wrong. "Sarada, let's play a game."

"Sure, Papa. What are we playing?" Sarada asked. She was amazingly good with grammar even at a young age. 

"It's called interrogation. It's where we find out whats wrong with those people," he whispered and pointed at the Uzumaki and the Hyuuga. 

"I don't like this game," Sarada pouted and crossed her tiny arms. 

"Afterward I'll make you tomato soup," Sasuke smiled and poked her side. She quickly shot her hand out and slapped him. 

"No, Papa, you can't tickle me," her tiny head shook back and forth in a 'no' motion. Sasuke just sighed. Why was she so much like him?

Just then Sarada's grandparents walked past. They were actually doing much better then when Sakura first....went away.... They said they had to be strong for their granddaughter. Apparently they had no earthly idea Sakura was pregnant. No one had! Except the Hokage. 

Now they were getting better. "Oi! Sasuke! Where's my beautiful granddaughter?" her grandfather shouted. 

Sasuke smiled widely and turned the stroller around to show his amazing daughter off. "Here she is!" 

Of course Sasuke stopped what he was doing just to show her off. She was damn perfect in his eyes. 

After what seemed like an hour of talking about what was going on with sarada they went back to their hospital rooms. They were still stuck there. They weren't allowed out except for an hour for a walk. 

Finally Sasuke turned back towards his friend. Hinata and Naruto had started fighting, which seemed odd to him. For as long as he's known them they have never fought. Finally Hinata ran off, tears streaming down her white skin. 

Sasuke felt confusion cross his face as he bent down to pick his daughter up. What's the dobe done this time? Sasuke parked the stroller next to the steps of his friends home. He then put Sarada down and let her play in Naruto's yard. 

"What's wrong dobe?" Sasuke questioned. Naruto didn't look up as he whispered, "Hinata's pregnant." 

Sasuke felt shock quickly cross his face, "Then why were you two fighting?" 

"Because it can't be mine," suddenly Naruto felt a fist cross his face and fell over the side of the steps. 

Something about how Naruto just said that so freely really ticked Sasuke off. Maybe it was because it's something he would have said before Sakura had died. Maybe that's why she didn't tell him about Sarada. He felt his hand lash out before he could even stop it. 

He glanced over at Sarada, who had a ball in her hands and looked deathly scared. Sasuke stood and walked quickly over to his daughter. He picked her up and held her close to his chest and said, "Do you honestly think Hinata would cheat on you. Do you honest to god think that child isn't yours? Really? You know what if you think that for one moment a child isn't a blessing then you're scum. You are worse then Orchimaru any day. You'd better find her and apologize because she won't be able to stay in her clan anymore.You think Sakura would have approved of this?!" It was hard for him not to cuss Naruto but he knew he had better not do that in front of Sarada. Sakura would have had a cow. 

He knew the Hyuugas probably better than anyone and they would not stand for a teenage unwed pregnant girl in their home. She would probably be kicked in the streets. Sasuke couldn't let that happen. 

For some reason, having Sarada near him was making him more prone to do nice things for others. Or maybe it was because he was imagining Sakura and Sarada on the streets. 

Sasuke left his friend still laying on the ground and went to find Hinata. 


So this one sucked monkey balls man... sorry..there will be a part 2 probably. and then thats the end of the book...thanks for sticking around :D 

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