Sai's letter

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To the artists that taught me compassion,

I'm sorry you have to hear this, but I am dead. But I want my last words to you to be an apology, for not just one thing, but for a lot.

Do you remember the first mission we went on? It was to bring Sasuke back. We had so much hope back then that he would come back. It would take a whole year before he came back. But thats ok he came back didn't he. It was after the war. 

I remember I punched you for insulting Sasuke. Oh that had been an amazing punch. I was so proud of myself. I remember keeping Naruto from hitting you and then fake smiling. It had felt so sweet and for a second I even thought that I didn't care, but I caught myself. Man it had been perfect!!

But seriously I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it. It was wrong of me to hit you for something you had no control of. It's just you reminded me so much of Sasuke and for a moment I had no control over what I felt. The anger bubbled inside of me and burst.

Even though you're still emotionless and a bastard I'm so glad I met you. I'm so glad we had something.

Do you remember when we kissed? I was just trying to show you what pleasure felt like but it turned into something else. For seven months I loved you, but I could never make you understand what love was. Later we both realized that it was just me trying to unlove Sasuke and you trying to feel something.

I'm glad we both understood how the other felt. I'm glad we remained friends. I'm also very glad that you found feelings for Ino.

Bye forever,


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