Karin's reaction

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She took a shaky breath. It was hard for her to think about Sakura, someone who had shown her such great kindness. Even twelve years ago, when Sakura had come to her, swollen and a complete mess, it had been hard for Karin to turn her away.

So when this letter turned up, asking her to go look for Sarada, the little girl that Karin delivered, she didn't even hesitate. She immediately turned towards the door and walked out. Something about Sakura just made her want to help. Maybe it was the fact her only female friend had taken her life, or maybe because she wanted to see the little girl who had stolen Karin's heart from the moment she was born. Something Karin would never admit to.

That's exactly how Karin found herself asking for permission to see, the now twelve year old, Sarada.

Sasuke didn't readily accept the idea of Karin coming into his home, but something about the way she carried herself said this was important.

Sarada was in her room studying. When they walked through her room she looked up and smiled. Karin noted that the little girl still had the glasses that Karin had given her when she was two.

Karin felt tears well up in her eyes. Sarada had gotten so big and looked so much like her mother. Yeah, sure you had to look past her dark hair and eyes. And maybe even the fact she was a lefty, but other then that she was all her mother.

"I have something for you, Sarada," Karin whispered in shock at how one look at this girl was really affecting her.

"It was from your mother. She told me not to give it to you until you were twelve and old enough to understand a few things."

"Like what?" Karin noted how living with Sasuke had given the girl some attitude.

Karin shook her head and ran a hand though her think red hair, "You will see in this letter, understand?"

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