Sakura's choice. (Edited)

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Sakura sighed. She had just gotten back from training with Naruto and Sasuke. And yet again, she feels as if she hasn't changed, not one a bit. It seemed as she would never catch up to them. It was almost as if she was still stuck depending on them. And damn it! Sakura just wasn't having it anymore!

Every freaking time she tried to catch up to them, they got better! She was a student of one of the Sannin too! Hell, the rumor was she surpassed even her master! But god forbid that she surpass Naruto or even Sasuke! It seemed like every time they went on a mission, she ended up falling behind and they would get hurt because of it! And of course they would turn around and smile/smirk at her. (Depending on who it was.) And they would say, "I care about you too much to see you get hurt." Then she would end up using her healing jutsu on them and cry, feeling completely useless.

She threw opened the door to her house and kicked off her boots. She let a few tears poor down her face and sniffled. She felt lonely. So very lonely. Her best friend Ino had died a few years ago on a simple mission gone wrong. Now, at 21 years old, Sakura had no one to talk to or share her most private parts of life with. Just thinking about it made her want to cry more then she already was.

Yes, the spunky, 19 year old, Ino had left on a mission to transport scrolls to the land of Waterfalls when something had gone terribly wrong. Her team was attacked. Ino had been the only one to die. Sakura's let out a soft sob remembering her best friend's last words to her. "I'll be back in a week forehead. No need to worry! Then we can try and hook you up with Sasuke since I have Sai now," she had said it smiling, while hugging Sai tightly.

It would be the last words Ino would say to her. The last time Sakura would ever see Ino smile. The next week, she went missing. Her team came home beat, bruised and barely alive, without Ino. Shikamaru had told them that he couldn't remember what happened to Ino, so Sakura had begged for a search party to go find her. No search party was ever sent, so Ino's body was never recovered.

Her mom had been devastated. First Ino's father during the war, and now Ino. Sakura had tried to cheer her up, but the Yamanka had just killed herself after Ino's funeral.

This further depressed Sakura. She had just lost the last remaining part of her best friend to suicide. (Which was starting to look pretty damn good at this moment in time.)

Sakura sighed and walked through her empty house, to her stupid room. As she slowly stepped foot into the dark room, she pulled out a small black Kunai. It was about 3 inches long. Small enough to be hidden in her boots.

The only time she used it though was when she needed to think and the only way she could think was with blood running down her wrists.

Sitting on her bed, she slowly pulled the Kunai over and under her right wrist, making small swirl patterns that would later turn to scars no one would see. But she didn't want to cut anymore. She wanted to do something about her pathetic life. She wanted to end it.

It took her a minute to come up with a plan. She was a medic nin. Whatever she thought of, the medic nin inside of her could undo and save her. She knew one way to do it, but she also wanted to send out her last remaining words to find the people they were meant to go to. She wanted to be able to tell everyone how she truly felt about them. Like how she really truly loved Sasuke or how she was honestly sorry for not being able to return Naruto's feelings.

Sakura sighed. She knew how she was going to do this. It would only take two minutes to hang herself. And if she was correct, then it would take 2 hours before anyone found her or even went to look for her. She also figured they would look for her at her house so she decided to do it where no one would think to look. By the waterfall. Her favorite place. The place she had met Sasuke, when they were four.

Sakura sat down at her desk and began to write letters to her closest friends and family. It didn't take long to pour every ounce of feeling she had left into the piece of paper.

Setting down the pen, she began to put all the letters into an individual envelopes. She didn't realize she was crying until a small tear dropped onto Sasuke's letter. Touching her face lightly, she began to think about how many people she would be hurting when she was gone.

Then, Sakura took a second thought. No one would miss her. She made a few hand signs and a clone appeared. "You know what to do," Her voice came out hoarse. Her clone nodded and ran off toward the door.

Sakura slowly stood up and made her way to the door as well. On her way out, she turned out all the lights, closed all the windows, and locked all the doors. She took one last look at her old home, hoping the next owners respected her home as much as she did.

She closed her eyes and slowly turned her back on her home. Then she made her way past all of her favorite places and said good bye to all the people that smiled at her.

Finally, for her last few moments, she stood in front of the village gates. She let out a lot of tears now, wiped them, and walked towards the waterfall. There she took a small rope and hung it around a branch on the highest branch. The noose hung there. Sakura was gonna wait until her clone dissolved and then hang herself.

So now it was time to wait.

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So hey guys!! It's me again writing another suicide story because I'm tellin' you there are no more out there. There are no more like the one I have just wrote and am trying to keep going. So anyways standard disclaimer. GO!!!

I do not own any of the Naruto characters and Sakura never did actually kill herself. Thanks.

See ya,

snbeard : D

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