Yamato's reaction

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Yamato sat on top of the giant stage along with the Hokage, the preacher and a few other people who were supposed to give speeches. He didn't want to be up here, but he had to. He didn't want to be the one of the people who had to lead the line to her grave. Afterwards, he would take a few select people and go out to where she hung herself. 

He listened as speech after speech was given. He was supposed to be the last one to give a speech before it was time to go to the grave. He had no clue what to say. He mentally sighed as he looked over at all the people in the crowd. There was a girl with twin buns on her head. A boy in green who was crying into Sai's shoulder. He saw a two Hyuugas. One he recognized as the girl who has recently been helping Naruto. The other was Hanabi Hyuuga, a child prodigy. 

As the Hokage came to a conclusion with her speech, the parents of Sakura stood up. He didn't think they would be able to make a speech. They had both been in the mental part of the hospital since the letters had gone out. It had been pretty bad. He had been one of the first people to find them. Both curled up on the floor, next to each other. 

He listened as the woman with blonde hair talked about her little girl. She told stories about Sakura when she was little and how she was so shy until she met Ino. She told stories about how proud she was of her little girl, even now when her little girl was no longer alive. She even told stories before Sakura was born. How they knew that Sakura would be a little girl and how they knew her name needed to be Sakura when they had first laid eyes on her bright pink hair. 

Her speech ended when her husband grabbed because no one could understand her through the tears that poured down her face. 

Then it was Naruto's turn. His speech was a little different, yet the same. His was about how smart and kind she had been. How she had gone from weak to strong in such a short amount of time. His was more out of love and admiration than anything. He told stories about her love for Sasuke and her determination to bring him back. He told stories about how tender, yet stronger her hands could be. 

Naruto began to ramble until the young Hyuuga stepped on stage and gently lead him back to his seat. Once he sat down, she turned to leave but was pulled back. He needed her. 

Yamato didn't listen to the rest of the speeches. He just quietly let them ramble on about how nice and amazing she was. Until finally it was his turn.

He cleared his throat as he stepped up to the podium and firmly began, "Sakura was a very kind person. I didn't know her very long, but that didn't stop me from making a few observations about her. From the time I've known her, I realized that she was determined to save lives and change the world. I remember a time when she punched a boy for insulting her friends. I can also remember a time when she used those very same hands to heal an injured child. She was a lot like your typical woman. Kind, caring, hot tempered, confusing, and yet she received so much hate from others. She was also stubborn. She wouldn't let anyone die at her hands, nor would she let anyone go. In fact she once loved a boy so much she went to the ends of the world just so that he would come home. She went through hell for him, but he never seemed to show her the same affection. Another time she showed great stubbornness is when her best friend Ino went missing. She went out all by herself just to find her. Of course she never did, but she never gave up.  Something many of you might not know about her is she left me her will. And in it she wanted The Hidden Leaf to build a Hospital for children and a place where ninja could go after each mission, in private, to discuss how they felt. Sakura was amazing! And anyone who tells you otherwise is just lying!" 

Yamato could feel a burning in his stomach. It wasn't a good feeling. The Hokage stepped forward, "At this time everyone please remain seated and silent. We will watch a short film with pictures about her life. Afterward we will head to the cemetery and burying Sakura's ashes."

Yamato didn't watch the film. He was too busy trying to keep tears from falling down his face. He didn't want to look like a mess when he went out to where she killed herself. He needed to concentrate. 

Everything began to blur around him as the film came to an end. It had ended with a picture of her smiling with Ino, Naruto, and a very strained looking Sasuke. 

People began to line up as the were lead by the Hokage and her parents to the cemetery on foot. 

                                                                /////////Time skip///////////

They were now standing in the middle of the forest. Above them stood the branch where Sakura had done the deed. The ground below them was a bright red. It took only the strongest of her friends to be here right now. In front of him stood Ino, Hinata, Tenten, Shikamaru, Sai, Naruto, the Hokage, Kakashi, Gai, Lee, but no where in sight was Sasuke. There were no words for how Yamato felt about that. 

He made a small speech, but got right to the point real fast. He began making a few hand signals.

He felt the power flow out of him as his hands slammed on the ground. The ground began to shift under him as the trees and rocks moved away. A small tree springing from the ground as it grew green leaves and pink buds. It began to grow six, seven, eight feet tall, yet still wasn't even close to being done growing. At twenty feet it began to grow pink blooms. He heard gasps around him, but still he continued to poor chakra into the ground, straight to the roots of the plant. It grew and grew around him. 

When he was done it was fifty feet in the air and twenty foot around. Trees and rocks had been moved at least thirty foot from their original place. But no one seemed to care. Because in the place of a once great tragedy stood a tall, strong, beautiful Cherry blossom tree. One that would forever remain there in memory of an amazing Ninja.  One who changed many lives. 

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