Naruto's Reaction

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He stared in the mirror as he felt small delicate hands fix his bow tie and yank his black jacket into place. His eyes were blood shot and his hair disheveled.

He couldn't cry anymore. He was drained and damn near dehydrated. It was bad the first day. He had been one of the first people to see her body. She had been rotting for days. The smell had attracted a great deal of animals.They ate and picked at her flesh until most of her internal organs had fallen out. Her hair had been streaked with dirt and bird poop. Her skin had turned a sickly bluish and blood had pooled at her feet causing them to swell. 

Naruto didn't think he would ever get that image out of his mind. If anyone had been in their right mind, they may have found her sooner. No instead they found her a week after she had died. No one had been able to look away from the horror that was Sakura's body. The newly found Ino had cried. Shikamaru had puked. Gai had kept Kakashi from looking, so that the fragile man wouldn't be completely messed up for the rest of his life. Choji turned his back. Naruto had fallen to his knees in horror. Sasuke...Sasuke had been paralyzed. The only one who had been able to do anything was a small fragile looking girl, who had gone through many troubles herself. 

Hinata had jumped to the branch from which Sakura had done her terrible deed and cut the rope. Of course she had caught the dead girl before she could hit the ground and carefully put her into the body bag. Hinata had harden in that moment. If no one else could do it then it would have to be her, right?

But in this moment the Hyuuga was being oh so gently with the now depressed Naruto. He bent his head low, more tears were spilling. Hinata smiled and patiently waited for him to get his feelings out, her hand reaching out to wipe every tear away. She leaned in and hugged him tightly as more sobs escaped his body. They racked his very being at the moment. 

Hinata didn't NOT feel sad and depressed. She just hid it a lot better since her cousin had passed on. In fact, she was doing exactly what she had done for her father and sister when Neji had died. It was no different. Just at this moment she didn't know if Naruto would ever be the same. He had just gotten a letter from the girl he loved saying that she knew she had caused him pain. And that in turn had caused her pain. 

Naruto felt directly responsible for the death of Sakura.

Suddenly Naruto reached out and slammed his hand against the wall. His hand had gone right next to Hinata's face and the force had blown her hair backwards. Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell slack jawed. Her hands shakely found their way to her side and she stared up at the heart broken man before her. Was he trying to hit her? No that wasn't Naruto! 

Hinata stepped back and stared up Naruto before grabbing the hand that had made contact with the wall and kissing it. She then began to pull him towards the one place he didn't want to go. The one place that could give him happiness again. She knew it would take awhile but she was determined to help him grieve. And if that meant being with him 24/7 and dealing with outbursts like that she would. She knew his pain. 

She knew if she didn't help him no one would. They were all grieving in their own right. 

The funeral was in an hour. That would be enough time for food, right? Hinata thought to herself, as she pulled the still tearful Naruto behind her. 

Naruto didn't know where weird girl was taking him. At this point he didn't care. She was all he had at the moment and he was glad she was trying to help him. But he didn't know if he would ever be able to function right again. Sakura had taken everything when she jumped from that tree. 

Naruto felt himself being pushed onto a stool. He could sense that something familiar was around him. He knew this was the ramen shop. He also knew Sakura would have taken him here, had she still been alive. 

He heard Hinata order ramen and then gently ask him if he wanted some. Almost as if he were a baby. Naruto just shook his head no. 

Naruto stared down at his hands. He didn't feel like moving. He didn't remember the last time he eaten. All he knew was when the scent of the food drifted over to him, his stomach clenched. 

Hinata grabbed the bowl and pushed it into Naruto's view and watched as the boys eyes shot over to it and then back to his hands. She picked up the chop sticks and tried to coax Naruto to eat just a little. "You know Sakura would want you to atleast try to eat." 

Logic. Damn it. How the fuck would she know what Sakura would want?! SHE BARELY FUCKING KNEW HER!! Naruto clenched his teeth together as the thoughts rolled around in his head. His eyes shut tight as more tears filled his eyes. Somewhere deep inside him, he knew she was right. Sakura would want him to eat and quite acting like a child.

Naruto let out a loud heart wrenching sob escape his throat. He felt small, yet strong arms wrap around him. He felt her head rest perfectly in the crook of his neck, and for a second, he saw Sakura. It was almost like she was there again. 

Naruto hated himself for thinking that. He hated how he was trying to find Sakura in a girl that clearly liked him. But for some reason his body just wanted Sakura. 

He made a vow right then and there. He WOULD give Hinata a chance. The REAL Hinata. Not someone he was trying to make into Sakura. 

Hinata felt Naruto wrap his arms around her and she smiled. She had just gotten him to take a step. 

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