Yamato's Letter

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Dear Yamato,

I know you probably already know this, but I feel you still need a personal letter. I have killed myself. Actually, by the time you get this letter, I would have hung myself in a tree. I actually wanted to write you this letter so that I could as you to uproot that tree and kill it.

Thank you. I understand we weren't very close other than the occasional mission together. I wish that could have been different but we can't change that now.

I would also like to leave you my will, to be read at my funeral.


I, Sakura Haruno, would like to leave everything - including anything of profit- to the new children's hospital that shall be built in my name. I would also like to ask for a mental hosipatal to be built for ninja's. A place where they can go after missions to talk about how the feel. I would like to make this a requirement following all missions.

——-END WILL———

Thank you,

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