Tsunade's Letter (Edited)

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Ok, before we start, first off I decided not to get twitter or instagram because I've decided if something happens I can get to y'all faster if I have Wattpad...(Which I have) AND, on top of that I have to finish the book....Oh, and this might just suck anyways...( I never check just how many of y'all are reading because I know not many people are.) BUT that's OK because the ones that do care and I hope love me enough to pay attention to it... OK so on to the story... (Excuse any grammar mistakes, please remember this was written by a 16 year old girl both realistically and in the story.) I know this doesn't have as many chapters as some other books but that's OK too right? God this was so long, I'm so sorry...

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Dear Tsunade,

I know you probably already heard, but after today I won't be alive. I have taken my own life. You see, the girl who brought you the letter was just a clone that I made, so that I could have time to kill myself. Seeing as how I'm your top medic nin, and the fact I am your student, I already know what you can and can't undo. Which means I have a bigger chance of being able to kill myself without you being able to undo it. 

I'm sorry. I know you always trained me to be strong, but something you could never train me for was the hate I got from others. 

Even as a child, I got so much hate. Back then it was for my big forehead. But then I found Ino. She taught me how to be proud of myself. How to stand up for myself. But then I got older and had my first "crush" on Sasuke Uchiha. The boy who would later break my heart. You see, Ino had the same crush, and we decided we couldn't be friends anymore. That we would be rivals instead. I hated it but I still broke it off with her. From then on we were enemies. 

Then I became a Pre-Teen. Even then...I got so much hate. It was almost overwhelming for me. This time it was from Sasuke's fan girls. They hated how I got to be on Sasuke's team and not them. I can't tell you how many of them cut my hair, pinched me, poked me, pulled me off the streets and jumped me. They did it so many times, I lost count. But then I was weak. I got older. I got stronger. They didn't mess with me anymore. Except for the occasional death threats. But I mean that was the price I paid to be with Sasuke.  So it didn't matter right.. Yeah, I was falling in love. 

When I became a teenager at the ripe age of 13 - Sasuke left. Not only did it break my heart, but again girls would jump me and bully me because I "Wasn't pretty enough to keep Sasuke from leaving." It hurt. And I felt like they were right. 

Then I found you, and the hate became how I wasn't good enough to be your student. It was always how ugly I was, and how I couldn't save a life to save MY life. It was stressful. 

And then I discovered pain helped cope with everything. It started out a simple. Whenever something bad happened I would dig my nails into my skin. Then it became a small scratch-never enough to break the skin. Then it turned into deep cuts. Finally, I took to stabbing myself. All of it just to take away the pain. 

I think, honestly I tried to kill myself four or five times. Most of the time it would be interrupted and I would have to stop. 

But now I won't be interrupted. Now I can finally end the pain and suffering. 

I'm so sorry Sensei. I just can't remember the last time that I didn't feel like dying, and that's not okay, is it?

But I can remember the time you and I went clothes shopping. I remember yelling at your drunk butt because you kept forcing me in clothes that showed off what I didn't have. AKA butt and boobs!!

I really hope you don't get drunk anymore. It's not good for you. I hope you don't get drunk after reading this letter either. 

I'm so sorry. 



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