Chapter Two: Mortification

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There are feelings in this world no one understands. It's not that they are hard to, it's just that everyone was occupied with their own life. Selfishness persists because of the lack of understanding. Although there are people who try, placing themselves in other's shoes, it can not make up for the masses who do not care.

I learned to stop caring.

Rather, I learned that no matter how much I care, it would not be enough to make up for my shortcomings. Get up and move, Hinata, do not remain stagnant. It's hard to move; hard to breathe and think when all I know is pain.

I seek something I've never gotten. Acceptance and love. I pour my heart out only for it to be in vain. I learned that I am alone, that I will remain alone in this world because everyone is selfish.

Is everyone selfish or am I just easy to forget?

Where are the ones who swore to be by my side in the time of need? When I am hurting and not thinking rationally? Again, I am searching for things that aren't there, and there's only one person in this world that understands.


She sees when I cry, and when I hurt. She's there even if I don't want her to be. I sit in my room alone and she is there. But she is like me; crying for help, for everything to stop. Some gifts are given, others are evolved over time. My time was now. The problem was, no one would understand.

To them, my pain was nothing but another in the sea of problems that plagued this world.

Chapter Two: Mortification

She had secretly wished for someone to stop her as she drew a red line along her pale canvas. For him to walk in the room and shout at her for doing something so fucking stupid while apologizing for breaking her so much. None of that came. Not even as she panicked at the numbness that took over.

Why was she not feeling a thing?

Doing it again, waiting for the sting to finally kick in, all she felt was a slight throb. Somehow, though, it felt like enough. She watched her blood slowly bubble out of the inflictions, flowing ever so slightly. Perhaps it just needed to be a little deeper. Out of curiousity, she pressed the jagged edge further into her skin and finally winced.

Dropping the mirror when she heard the apartment door open, Hinata panicked and pressed her wrist to the side of her pants. Cursing at the bad timing of her incompetent husband, the deepest cut bleeding more than the ones she did previously, she contemplated whether or not she should use medical ninjūtsu to heal it.


She wanted to feel pain, she wanted to see that she was hurting. A reminder that she was still human because everyone else seemed to have forgotten that she was.

Fumbling through her drawer, looking for a stray roll of bandages, she sloppily wrapped it as best as she could before he stepped into the bedroom.

"What happened here?" Naruto looked around curiously.

The bed was bare, the pillows were laying on the floor, and the mirror was broken. Hinata stood to the side of this mess with wet clothes and blood stains on her pants.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He navigated the room with ease, standing in front of her, his eyes searching for a reaction.

Hinata nodded, not speaking as she turned around to pick up the mirror fragments on the dresser.

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