Chapter Thirteen: Malignancy

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Chapter Thirteen: Malignancy

Sasuke wouldn't let her go even as the nurses advised him to, he needed to make sure she was alright, and that she knew that he was there. It wasn't until Yua placed her hand on his shoulder, letting him know that the nurses agreed to give them a private room, did he finally realize that his behaviour was unacceptable.

Following the doctors, his pace usually faster than theirs but today he found himself slowing down for their sake, they escorted the small group into a room. It was then that he finally let her out of his arms, stepping to the side for the doctors to check her vitals and put the IV needle into her arm with promises to come back later.

Sitting on the couch, he stared blankly at Hinata's unconscious body. Her seizures had stopped long before they arrived, but she never woke up. Her skin was pale, and sweat would build up on her forehead, yet she never opened her eyes.

"Can you stop that?" He glared at Yua.

The woman had been pacing around the hospital halls and she hadn't stopped since. He could tell she was anxious, she had the right to be, this was her friend, but her anxiety wasn't reassuring to him in the slightest.

"Sorry." She mumbled and sat down on one of the chairs that she took out of the halls [with the permission of the doctor]. Biting her fingernails, she stared at her best friend and held back tears. "Has this happened before?"

He closed his eyes and rested his head in the palm of his hands, resisting the urge to ask them to leave so he could be alone. "No."

"I knew she was weak, but she's been recovering, right? She looked better, so much better than when I first saw her." She frowned.

"Was she sick?" Daiyū asked curiously, she never knew Hinata, but seeing the way both Sasuke and Yua worried about her, it made her stomach twist in unease.

"She was destroying herself before, to put it simply. She wouldn't eat for days, sometimes weeks. Anything she ate would come right back out, I know she didn't like talking about it, and I don't think she knew that I knew what was happening." Yua explained to her girlfriend. "I have no place to share any of this..."

"She had an eating disorder and was struggling mentally. Yes, she's been recovering — but whatever this is..." Sasuke stood up.

"Where are you going?" Daiyū watched him open the door.

"I'm going to change, I'll be back." He left before they could say anything.

God did he need some air. The hospital room was getting cramped and he really didn't want to see the state of Hinata at the moment. Not because he was disgusted, but anger filled his very being. Anger at himself for not paying more attention to how she was behaving over the past week. Had it not been for his incompetence, he would have been able to see how much weaker she was getting.

He didn't understand it.

She wasn't skipping her meals at all, nor was she finding herself in the position of throwing up whatever she ate. The seizure was out of the ordinary; so were the times she would wince, and take a moment to breathe. All of it was abnormal but he never paid attention to it.

Slamming the door shut, his steps were heavy as he made his way to the bedroom and changed into something more comfortable. Taking a duffel bag out of the closet, he filled it with some of their clothes, sanitary products, and anything else he could fit inside. He wasn't going to leave her side, even if the doctors were to demand that he go home.

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