Chapter Sixteen: Revelation

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Chapter Sixteen: Revelation

After a few minutes, Sasuke found that he couldn't sit still for any longer, so he began pacing the lounge. The moment his mind became filled with static, he sat down again and tried controlling his anxious movements. It took a while, maybe half an hour at best, before MeiMei came looking for him.

Her face was pink, her hands slightly darkened and sweat dampened her hair. She gave him a nod, her throat too parched to speak.

Walking past her while handing her a bottle of water for her to recuperate her lost strength, Sasuke's steps were hurried as he walked down the halls. He hesitated when he came face to face with her door, taking a deep breath, he reached for the handle.

"She's not awake yet, I've healed her but her body needs time to recover from the battle she was facing." MeiMei finally told him. "Don't feel disappointed when you see her still sleeping."

"How long?"

"A few days, maybe a week at best." She answered.

He said nothing, instead, he opened the room door. Just as MeiMei said, Hinata was still unconscious, but the old woman had removed the tube from her throat. Her face was wiped clean, and the hospital gown was arranged neatly over her stomach — no doubt the marks there were also gone.

Sasuke took a step closer to her, pulling the chair closer so that he could sit. Holding her hand, caressing it while he closed his eyes, he hid a sad smile behind his long hair.

"It's best if you get her out of here, explaining all of this to the doctor would be hard." MeiMei flung herself over the couch, her age seemed to have caught up to her for a brief moment.

He nodded in agreement.

It didn't take long to get their things and disconnect her from the wires that were attached to her body. The old woman had offered to carry the bags while he held Hinata in his arms. Her limbs were limp, her head resting safely on his chest as he opened the door.

They walked past the nurses station, ignoring as they called out to them and told them that they couldn't take Hinata. He placed them in a simple genjūtsu, one that would have them believe that she was discharged — he would do the same with Doctor Osaki in the morning.

The way home was spent in silence, one that he was grateful for. All that was exchanged between the two were grunts and mumbles as he escorted MeiMei to one of the guest bedrooms.

"Make sure you get some sleep instead of watching her breath throughout the night." MeiMei leaned against the door, "you're tired too."


"Don't fight me on this, Uchiha. You've been restless since she collapsed that day, and now she's back home, you can relax for now. She's here and she's safe." Before he could say anything back, she closed the door and mumbled a 'goodnight'.

Sasuke stayed standing there until Hinata shifted in his arms. Looking down at her, watching as her eyes moved around under her eyelids, he finally made his way to her bedroom.

Opening the door with his foot, he set her down on the bed first and then got a small basin filled with warm water. Wiping her down, and changing the hospital gown to one of her many long shirts and shorts, he made sure she was laying down comfortably before covering her with the warm sheets.

Disregarding MeiMei's valid concern for his lack of rest, Sasuke sat awake, observing Hinata as she slept. Occasionally, she would make small noises as if she was simply having a long dream. Her lips would twitch, and she would lean into his touch whenever he cupped her cheek or brushed her bangs out of her face.

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