Chapter Twelve: Relapse

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I get reminded that my life isn't [wasn't] the best. No matter how hard I worked, the words I exchanged with people, or the time I spent bettering myself, I was always suffering. This happens a lot more than I would like.

I refuse to let anyone see me when my mind is fighting to keep me afloat. Swimming in the ocean with the water feeling heavier than it should. Alone, fighting back tears as sharks surround me.

Again, there are moments where feeling weak is okay. Where succumbing to the pain is okay. I need to remind myself that what I feel, what I think, doesn't always have to be positive. I appreciate those who understand that about me, who sit there and make sure that I'm okay instead of leaving me alone.

How many times has he done this?

I wonder if he gets frustrated too. If he gets tired of taking care of me, or seeing me destroy myself while not being able to lift a finger. I would get exhausted too.

Yet, he never shows any contempt for me.

Even as I mark my skin, shout at him, and when I try my hardest to make the pain from stopping completely; he sits and waits. Waits until I've calmed down, until my tears have ran dry.

That is a lot more than what anyone else has done.

He sees me sinking in the dense water, and instead of ignoring me like everyone has; he reaches out and helps me breathe.

Chapter Twelve: Relapse

She laughed as he spun her around. The music playing was just loud enough for them to hear as she sang along. This was unorthodox of them both but after drinking more than they should, they couldn't help but dance [he watched her] in the middle of the kitchen.

Pulling her closer, Sasuke tucked her hair behind her ear, studying her flushed cheeks and the way her sweat built up on her face. He kissed her forehead making her giggle uncontrollably. As he sat down, Hinata made herself comfortable on the table in front of him and threading her fingers through his hair.

"The Uchiha seems to be exhausted." She mumbled, cupping his face and pouting as she watched his eyes lower. "We should get some sleep."

"Are you tired?" He mumbled, finally resting his head on her lap, closing his eyes.

"Not really? I'm just excited." She laid her hand on his head, patting his hair, unknowingly lulling him to sleep slowly.

"About?" Sasuke took a while to answer, fighting back his exhaustion. These days, they've been so active, and his back and forth while doing his personal missions didn't help either.

"Being with you." She lifted his head and got down from the table.

Turning the music off and putting their dirty plates away with plans to wash it as soon as they woke up, Hinata led him to her bedroom while she took off her clothes until she was wearing nothing but her undergarments.

He moved the sheets aside and laid down, waiting for her to find herself in his arms after she turned the lights off and opened the window to let the cool summer air into the room. The bed dipped as she shuffled closer to him, pulling the covers over themselves and then taking a deep breath of his calming scent.

"It's been a few months since we've been together...that's what I meant." She added finally, knowing that he must have fallen asleep since his breathing had evened out. Brushing his hair out of his face, Hinata studied him as he slept.

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