Chapter Seventeen: Divulgence

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Chapter Seventeen: Divulgence

"Where the fuck is Uzumaki Naruto and Haruno Sakura?"

His voice shook the very foundations of Konoha as he glared at the buildings in front of him. In his hand, gripped tightly, was Daiyū's bloodied hair. She was still unconscious but that was his plan, he needed them to see her first before she woke up, to see what he did.

The villagers had walked past him in confusion, fear and hatred. They scoffed at hearing him demand for their precious Hokage couple. What matters would he have to be so brash and rude? The guards at the gate looked at each other, not knowing what to do or if they should escort Sasuke to Naruto.

"Please lower your voice." They approached him slowly, stopping in their tracks when he turned to them, his sharingan ablaze.

Spiking his chakra, the dark aura making anyone around him cower in fear, Sasuke waited. He knew they would come after feeling his presence. If they were ignoring him now, they wouldn't ignore him any longer since he posed a great threat to their village. His killing intent was at its peak.

It really didn't take long for Naruto to come rushing to the entrance of the village, Sakura followed behind with an infant in her arms. Sasuke's gaze lingered on the child, sadness and envy flashes in his eyes for a brief moment before being hidden by a wall of anger.

"Woah, Sasuke, what's the..." Naruto's voice trailed off when he saw the body being dragged by the Uchiha. His throat became dry seeing her clothes soaked with blood.

Sasuke looked down at Daiyū, shaking her head a little, waking her up. When her eyes opened and she realized where she was, she began screaming, struggling in his arms as she cried.

"I'm sorry, please don't kill me." She thrashed around.

"Does she look familiar?" He tilted his head, taunting them with a smile. "Quite a hassle dealing with her." He threw her to them.

Naruto caught Daiyū, setting her down carefully and wiping her bloodied face with his sleeve. She whimpered, whispering incoherent words as she looked at Sasuke in fear.

"What did you do to her?" Sakura looked at the scared woman. It was rather obvious that they were absolutely screwed. If Daiyū revealed anything to Sasuke, he would kill her and them. Who's to say he wouldn't level the entire village in his anger?

"A little training." He shrugged, "obviously, she couldn't keep up."

With all the commotion happening, the curious villagers began gathering around. They wondered why the Uchiha was speaking so casually to Naruto. They knew that they were teammates, but Sasuke's posture was very hostile, his fingers twitched to grab his sword and kill them all, and that scared them.

Handing her baby to the nanny who had followed them, Sakura kneeled down in front of Daiyū to heal her.

Sasuke clicked his tongue in disdain, appearing in front of them and grabbing Daiyū again. She reached out for Naruto, wanting him to save her but he just stood there and watched.

"I can't have you healing her just yet, Sakura. Who knows what you'd do? Maybe you'd kill her, or send her into a coma." He kicked the dark haired woman's legs out from under her, making her fall.

Naruto was ready to jump into action but Sakura held him back. "He's angry."

"Do you know how much you made her suffer, Naruto?" He kicked Daiyū, ignoring the way everyone flinched at the sound of her bones cracking and the woman screaming. "She was in so much pain." He stooped down to Daiyū level and turned her around so she could lay on her back.

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