Chapter Five: Nuisance

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It's normal to dislike someone when they do something that greatly upsets you. The problem arises when you can not forgive them. Of course, forgiveness is not obligatory, especially when their mistake was not an easy one for you to get over. I've disliked people for hurting me, but I always forgave them. It was the only thing I could do, or else they would hate me.

Like my father.

I want to believe that I have forgiven him for what he told me as a child, what he did, and what he allowed others to do in his place. Deep down, I don't think I have. I dislike him, because he never loved me. It is because of him, and what he has said, that I continue to suffer although he hasn't been a part of my life for years.

I should have spoken up.

In reality, how could I? I was only a child, I was depending on him to treat me like one. Instead, I was belittled at every moment. Sometimes, I feel like I am once again three years old listening to the venom in my father's voice as he berates me. I dislike when people shout at me, and when they get visibly angry.

I apologize for my child-like behaviour.

I will do better. I will try to do better. There was no one there when I was young, and that stayed the same the older I got. I pushed everyone away, but my inner child cries out for them to ignore the words I said and come back.

For them to forgive me because I disliked them.

Chapter Five: Nuisance

Placing the box on the kitchen counter, Hinata rested her forehead against the cardboard as she tried catching her breath. It was a lot of work walking from her apartment all the way to the depth of the forest; although it shouldn't have been. It was another testament of her weakening body.

Standing up straight when the door opened, Hinata cleared her throat and opened the box to begin unpacking.

"I'll get the rest." He set the box down and made note of the way her face was slightly red although the walk wasn't that tedious. "Just organize everything." He left no room for protest, leaving her alone once more.

Sasuke wasn't one to intrude, especially since she had voiced her displeasure in him crossing her boundaries the very first time he did. Yet he couldn't ignore the difference in Hinata's physical appearance and abilities. Even though she hid her body with extremely baggy clothing, there were times where he would have to pick her up and he could feel how much weight she was losing.

That was never good. He wanted to say something, to tell her that she needs to be more careful. But all he could do was stop her from performing any physical labor that would have her feeling light headed and tired.

Summoning clones to make the process faster, Sasuke had managed to move all the boxes from the old apartment into the new house. It wasn't anything much, just a traditional home that he had renovated so she didn't have to walk up so many stairs to get to her apartment. Having ignored every moment she tried to thank him or pay him back for the 'gift', Sasuke was just satisfied that there wouldn't be such a heavy toll on her physically. He never told her that though.

"If you need help with the garden, let me know." He washed his hands before he began helping unpack the things they brought along.

"Mhm!" Hinata nodded and pushed a box towards the bedrooms; those must have been the linen they just bought.

Sitting down while he put together the table, chairs, and lights, Sasuke listened to Hinata hum happily as she worked as well. They fell into a silent routine; him putting up the furniture and appliances, while she organized the bedrooms and the bathrooms. As the sun was setting, they went around turning on all the lights and admiring their work [she did, he just sat on the veranda and watched as she moved around].

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