Chapter Fourteen: Infirmity

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Chapter Fourteen: Infirmity

Had he been told that he would be stuck in the hospital for an unknown amount of time, looking after the most unlikely of people, Sasuke would have called whoever told him of such fate crazy. It was crazy. No matter how he looked at it, where he was currently was somewhere he didn't think he would be years ago.

That being said, he wasn't complaining in the slightest as he sat on the hospital bed [at her feet] reading a scroll to himself while he allowed the doctor to check on her again.

It had been days, maybe a week or two at best, since the incident, and that was driving him crazy but there wasn't anything much he could do. That's what the doctors told him, the only thing he could do was sit and wait for her to wake up.

They informed him that he was already doing a lot more than many other husbands/boyfriends who would have left at this point. It wasn't like he couldn't leave, he just didn't want to. He had nowhere to go, nothing to really do, all that was left was to watch her.

Yua would come over occasionally, with food and to also brush Hinata's hair while she slept. They would sit in silence for a few minutes, maybe an hour, and then she would leave sadly.

Sasuke had grown impatient a few times, demanding that the doctor find out what was wrong with her. Of course, he never did so loudly or for anyone to see. A simple genjūtsu was enough to get his answer.

They didn't know what was wrong and why she wasn't waking up. Her immune system still seemed to be attacking her body, and she'd have internal bleeding sometimes, but that's all they could say. No matter how many tests [blood and urine] or scans they did of her body, there was nothing showing up that was out of the ordinary.

Sasuke stared off into space, the words on the scroll no longer holding his interest — they haven't been interesting for the past couple of hours. He glanced at her, his lips pressed into a line as he held his breath and said a silent prayer.

He never prayed.

There was no one there listening anyway, but the sentiment felt appropriate currently. He hoped that she would open her eyes right at that moment and give him a smile, letting him know that she was okay again. Putting the scroll down, Sasuke reached over and brushed her hair to the side, cupping her cheek. His hand trailed down to her stomach and rested there, his frown remained even when there was a knock on the door.

"I brought you lunch." Yua held up a paper bag, "I can't stay for long since I left work but i decided to drop by." She sat down and put the bag on the bed for him to take.

"Thanks." He moved it to the small table, choosing to sit on the couch instead of the bed so he could give her space to also look at Hinata.

"How is she?" The orange haired woman held Hinata's hand in her own, caressing her knuckles and watching as the skin flushed pink.

"Still the same." He put the scroll into the bag, making plans to go home and wash all the dirty clothes he had.

"No updates?"

He shook his head.


Just like that, they fell into silence until Yua had to go back to work. His days in the hospital were uneventful. Sasuke would sometimes get up to walk around the moderately sized building [big enough for the small village which was nothing compared to Konoha's hospital] or sit on the roof.

Occasionally, he would sit in the lounge if Hinata was ever scheduled for an MRI, or when Doctor Osaki demanded that he get up and find something to eat instead of sitting around all day watching Hinata. She couldn't blame him but sometimes it was very upsetting to see him look so dejected as he sat down in that hospital room, hoping that some miracle would happen.

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