Chapter Six: Convalesce

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No one has ever admitted that recovering is something easy, nor do they talk about it being something hard. There's a general consensus among those who work to do better and be better, one that you will understand when you are put in a position that seems so impossible to recover from.

As a ninja, we understood that there would be moments where we would be forced to heal faster than humanly possible. It was why those specializing in medical ninjūtsu were greatly appreciated by their colleagues.

Growing up, I was always healed by these special ninja.

No matter the injury; a broken arm or just a stomach ache, they were able to fix me in mere seconds. Out in a place where medical ninjūtsu was scarce, however, I had to learn to care for my body beyond physical ailments. Step by step, I strived to do better, to be better.

No matter how long it took and how much it hurt.

Doing so with someone at my side, watching over me to make sure that I did not collapse without arms to catch me before I hit the ground, made it bearable. I was grateful, although those thanks would fall on death's doorstep, I knew he heard me.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I had a bench to sit on when I felt tired.

A chance to sit and observe my progress without being forced to keep moving, to keep pushing through my exhaustion. My inner child rejoices at the moment of calm, of absolute care.

I deserved this.

Chapter Six: Convalesce

"Are you done?" Hinata kept tapping her fingers against her wrist as she waited for him to fill out her discharge papers. She nervously looked around, feeling like she was being stared at the longer she sat there. She brought her finger to her lip and counted all the things she could see.

"We can go." He motioned for her to get up.

Impatiently, she stood up quickly and followed him out of the emergency room. It wasn't snowing that heavy outside but it looked really cold, it was only November yet the weather was already brutal.

"Your hood." Sasuke waited for her.

"Huh? Oh, right." Hinata reached for her hood and pulled it over her head. In all honesty, the jacket he got her was a little big but she didn't hate it. Her vision was obscured by the fur lining of the hood, it made her giggle since she couldn't see anything above his shoulder. "I'm ready." She lifted the hood slightly, smiling at him.

"Are you sure you can walk back?"

"I feel better."

They had stayed in the hospital for almost a week. The doctor was worried about her fragile state and advised her to check in whenever she felt lightheaded. Hinata had refused to stay any longer in that place even if they were hesitant to let her go [the smell of bleach and disinfectant was getting to her].

Not only was she malnourished, but her blood and iron levels were extremely low — she was anemic. The nurse had told her it was a very dangerous game she was playing, but Sasuke had quickly shut her down when he could visibly see how uncomfortable all the chatter about her health made her.

Had it not been for him, she would have been locked in there for who knows how long. In the end, they spoke to Sasuke privately about her health. It was amusing really, they thought she and Sasuke were married. Had they known that he was simply her roommate and not her spouse, they wouldn't have told him anything drastic, nor would they let him stay with her at night.

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