Chapter Nineteen: Cessation

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Chapter Nineteen: Cessation

She picked up the basket of freshly picked fruits, tucking her hair behind her ear as she walked around the garden picking random things and eating them. It was much bigger now than the previous year, completely different with all the fruits and vegetables that grew as well as the flowers that lined the walls of the expanded area.

They had purchased more land for her to continue her garden, and it took a lot of damn work to get it as she pictured it in her head.

Resting the basket on a large flat stone, she opened the bamboo pipe and washed the things she had gathered. The tickling feeling of her foot being licked made her giggle. Glancing down at the puppy at her feet, she dropped a peach she cracked open so that it could nibble on in the hot weather.

Finishing her little errand, Hinata walked into the house quickly so as to not wet the floors. She put the basket in the sink and got out some containers to organize the fridge.

The sound of the front door opening made her move to get a good look at whoever it was that arrived. She smiled widely, waiting for him to come closer before she kissed him on the cheek.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" She handed him a glass of water and a bowl of sliced tomatoes she had prepared prior.

Sasuke put down the bag with all the meat she had requested, sitting down at the kitchen table and sighing. "I hate talking to people."

"You're good at bargaining though." She closed all the containers and arranged them in the fridge. Hanging up the herbs, she opened the bag and separated the parcels of meat, putting the ones she didn't need into the freezer.

"It doesn't mean I like doing it." He chewed on a tomato slice.

"You don't like cooking but you do it for me anyway." She chopped up some herbs, and mixed them with the spices they had.

"I don't talk to people while I cook." He answered monotonously.

"True, but it's still nice thinking about it. Mister Uchiha takes very good care of Missus Uchiha."

The feeling of his arms wrapping around her waist made her squeal. He had his moments of just sneaking up on her, even if they were in the same room. Hinata couldn't lie and say it shocked her, but he was very touchy these days.

She knew why.

"You know I have to prepare the food before it's too late." She muttered, shuffling along with some difficulty. Him being touchy meant that it was hard for her to get any work done with him practically being a part of her every move.

"It's still early in the afternoon." He grumbled.

"It doesn't take five minutes to make curry and rice, Sasuke. You know it's her favourite food." She sighed, washing her hands and drying it against her shirt. Hinata turned around and pouted. "You can do all of this when I'm done."

The look in his eyes told her that he didn't want that but he conceded either way. Letting her go, he stretched and kissed her forehead.

"I'm going to take a shower."

"Good, you're all smelly."

He glared at her, making her laugh loudly.

While he was gone, she quickly got to work on preparing some snacks and dinner. There was so much to do with so little time. Sasuke had offered to help earlier, but she had declined, saying that she could do it on her own but now she regretted it.

"Can you check if we still have juice boxes? And is her room cleaned?" Hinata barely looked up when he came back into the kitchen sporting nothing but a pair of pants and a towel over his shoulder.

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