Chapter Four: Serenity

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Feeling embarrassed is normal when placed in a situation that causes that reaction to happen. All my life I have been embarrassed about things that I have learned were my response to my trauma. I've had my cousin point out such behavior, although he never did it to help me, but to embarrass me in front of my classmates and fellow ninja.

The habit I have of touching my lips when I get anxious, my frequent glancing around the room when I am remembering the harsh words thrown at me, and the way I use my arms to protect myself from the invisible objects being thrown at me.

It's embarrassing.

Had anyone told me that it was obvious whether or not I was embarrassed, I would find a way to stop it from showing. My cheeks are dusted pink, my stuttering is unbearable; I've spent years trying to rid myself of such behaviours, yet they return like an unwanted blemish.

He began to understand this.

Something that I wished stayed as a staple of my childhood personality, was out in the open again. It would be used to describe me when I am talked about to other people. Though; that doesn't anger me.

Because he understands.

Just as when I talk about his habits and quirks that I too learned to understand, he does the same to me. It is not out of malice, but a mutual comprehension.

I am slowly becoming accustomed to the embarrassing habits that he points out; it makes me feel human.

Chapter Four: Serenity

Hinata was a stuttering mess as she closed her eyes and quickly retreated into her room, yelling apologies and how she should have knocked first. Fanning her face frantically, taking in deep breaths as she tried to calm her racing heart, Hinata made up her mind; she was never going to step out of her room again.

Although he was the one invading her personal space, he became such an integral part of her life outside Konoha. How long has it been since he arrived unannounced in her apartment, checking on her occasionally [he denies it every time she brings it up], and began sleeping on her couch every night? He was a constant she didn't ask for but got.

Right now, she really wished that he wasn't.

Sneaking out of her bedroom and into the bathroom, Hinata got ready to shower. Her face remained red throughout her normal routine of cleaning her wounds, dressing them well and washing up. She said nothing when she left the bathroom, even if he was sitting on the couch as she walked past him and into the kitchen.


"I really should have knocked, I'm so used to being alone that I opened it without thinking." She apologized again, her arms pulled to her chest as she thought of something else to apologize for. "You must be upset."

Sasuke stared at her, waiting for her rambling to stop, when she was finished, he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "I am not."

"Oh...Sorry for apologizing so much, not like I didn't mean it—"

"You're doing it again." He walked around her, opening the fridge to see if they needed to get anything.

"Right." She relaxed, letting her arms fall to her side as she calmed her breathing. "It's very embarrassing..."

"Seeing me shirtless?" He raised his eyebrow while he pushed her juices to the side, he needed to get more of those.

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