Chapter Seven: Oppositions

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Spending so much time away from a place that should be your home allows you to experience things you never thought were possible. Returning feels as though you were forced to do something against your will.

It had been so long since I have thought about the place that I would have called 'home' had it not been for the unwelcoming atmosphere that surrounds it.

That place was no longer my home because I found it somewhere else.

In a community built on the foundations of knowing who your enemies and friends were, there were bound to be some problems that would arise when one did not conform to the beliefs of others.

I was an outcast, much like them, yet only one out of the three of us had managed to break away from the world of being alone.

Sometimes I do envy him and his ability to have people take his side. That was the difference between him and the both of us. He made friends out of the same people who once opposed him. That was a skill that a lot of people would admire.

Until you realize how dangerous it was to have everyone at your disposal for the sake of being your friend.

Did I think he was a great friend?

He is one to everyone else, but I've come to learn that he never once thought of me as an actual friend. I do not get the respect his other friends receive, I deserved as much after marrying him.

That was a mistake.

Marrying someone who did not view you as an equal, yet alone a friend, was playing a very dangerous game.

Divorcing one was even worse.

Chapter Seven: Oppositions

She hid behind her bangs as she ate her breakfast silently, trying her hardest to avoid looking at him as he walked into the kitchen.

"Morning." Sasuke mumbled, filling his mug with hot water. While he waited for his tea to steep, he cut up some tomatoes and sprinkled them with salt and pepper.

"Mhm, good morning." Hinata said in a hushed voice, eating as slowly as she could so she didn't have to get up and stand beside him to wash her dishes.

It was extremely awkward between the two, and neither of them knew how to break the ice. Usually, that was done by a very excited Hinata whenever they woke up, but not today. What happened the night before was still very much fresh in their minds.

It was the only thing they could remember after getting absolutely shitfaced drunk last night.

The moment Sasuke sat down to eat, she got up to wash her things and left immediately. She had a friend to meet since it was her day off. She sure as hell wasn't going to stick around and let the silence get to her.

Fixing her hair and checking if her bandages were secured, Hinata left through the backside of the house. She would do anything to avoid him, even if that meant she would sleep outside for the night. Running to the village, she slowed down into a jog as she made her way to the café she used to work at.

It wasn't that she hated it there, she just couldn't deal with the constant backlash she got from the customers and manager alike. That didn't mean she forgot about her friend though.

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