CHAPTER ONE . エンゲージメントのルール

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rules of engagement

❝エンゲージメントのルール❞rules of engagement

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HOARFROST LICKED YOUR skin as you exited your carriage

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HOARFROST LICKED YOUR skin as you exited your carriage. Wenling hobbled out, holding your suitcase and a long trench coat. She immediately draped the coat over your shoulders, protecting you from the frozen winds. You nodded to the driver, thanking him for his work before dropping a bag full of mora into his hands. A brief glance into the inside of the pouch made him realize that you overpaid him by quite a large sum. He hurried off, not another word exchanged.

Most would opt for waypoint as the method of transportation but a Vision was needed to use the waypoint. That of which the gods did not bestow you with one. Visions were the eyes of the gods, sanctioning a part of their divine authority to mortal beings. Something you lacked in this world— and one of the excuses your adoptive father's men would use to remove you from your position as heiress unless you married someone with a Vision. From what you've heard, Harbingers are the prime of all Fatui soldiers. They're ambitious, cunning, powerful, and wealth, all qualities that your adoptive father sought in your future spouse.

"So that would be Zapolyarny Palace?" You asked, eyeing the snow white castle that stood proudly before you. Evergreens surrounded it, snow laying thickly on the ground and a layer of pines. The palace gleamed, like a cut marble. The architecture and structure of which is absolutely divine; the masterful arches, the glorious columns, the intricately designed balusters and bay windows. Such craftsmanship would've been grueling work in such harsh conditions.

"Indeed. Young master, Lord Scaramouche awaits inside." Wenling instructed, carrying your bags up towards the palace gates. You climbed up the frosted staircase up to the castle, examining the features in awe of its marvelous design.

Snezhnaya was not a nation you frequented often. If anything, it was your least favorite nation to visit. The cold is something you detested and the natural subzero temperatures made your skin crawl. Not to mention the contention amongst the other nations with Snezhnaya— the nation was viewed as this cold, barren wasteland that is full of the Fatui.

In other words, a nest of brooding evil.

"Halt! State your business and name."

𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍 ↷ scaramouche x reader  Where stories live. Discover now