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❝ 疑心暗鬼 ❞
suspicions breeds devils

❝ 疑心暗鬼 ❞suspicions breeds devils

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a.n : once again, all bolded italicized text is said in a different dialect from the universal
teyvat language :)

THE HOME OF the Black Dragons was certainly not what you expected. A simple but traditional tea house sitting inconspicuously on the bustling streets of Liyue housed the entirety of the underground crime syndicate. Those even briefly familiar with the organization were well aware of the fact that they were rather open with their business... though to be contained within the premise of a friendly tea house was peculiar to say the least.

You entered the tea house with Scaramouche by your side, his fingers laced with yours as the gazes of the customers inside turned to the two of you.

Immediately, you were unsettled by their unfeeling stares— the eyes of hardened assassins and informants followed the two of you as you walked to the front desk, where an elderly woman busied herself with organizing pots of various exotic teas.

"Oh... Hello Director (l/n)... What could I do for you?" She asked with a friendly smile, setting aside some bags of tea as she turned her attention to you.

"I'm here to speak with Wang Tian Yu." You answered in a hushed voice, switching your dialect as you watched the older woman's friendly smile turn into a crooked one.

"Why do you wish to see him?" She answered you with the Liyue dialect. Her friendly tone wavered just a bit, the others in the room reacted immediately to her sudden change in tone.

Scaramouche reacted, immediately pushing himself in front of you— his arm outstretched to shield you as he glared daggers at the hostile criminals.

"Ah... the Fatui. I'm surprised that you could also understand our native tongue." That unsettling smile continued to remain on her lips. She turned back to you, looking past Scaramouche. "But if you wish to see the leader, the Fatui would need to step out. We cannot permit such an... individual to come into our headquarters."

Scaramouche looked over his shoulder at you, it was apparent that he disagreed with this. After all, he had sworn to protect you— to be by your side.

He fears losing you again.

"I'll be fine." You assured him, switching back to the universal language. "They wouldn't dare lay a finger on me."

Scaramouche looked uncertain still, but lowered his arm as soon as he noticed the hostility lower with your words. He turned to you entirely and took your hands into his.

"Swear on it." He whispered quietly. "Swear that you'll come back to me."

A smile tugged on your features as you pulled his hands close to your forehead— leaning into his touch. "I swear on Rex Lapis, I will come back to you."

𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍 ↷ scaramouche x reader  Where stories live. Discover now