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❝ 懐かし ❞

❝ 懐かし ❞daydreaming

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EFFICIENT AND RELIABLE, the Black Dragons reported back to you within a week of the arrest of your former board members. Upon your desk were the findings and interrogation papers filed by the Black Dragons— that of which revealed only their motivations in joining hands with your rival for the position but not of the identity. To that, you commend their loyalties though it mattered not. With time, the mysterious identity of this individual will be revealed as without his sponsors— there is not much he can do.

You decided to meet with Wang Tian Yu after the reports were filed, to assess what would be the next best move. This time, it would be at your manor as going outside nowadays is far more perilous. Especially since Scaramouche has been occupied with his own sorts of responsibilities and investigations.

"I am honored, Director." Wang Tian Yu sat across from your desk, looking about the transformed study that once belonged to your adoptive father. "I see you have done quite the renovations here."

You've always wondered what sort of relationship Wang Tian Yu had with your adoptive father.

Whether if they were friends or if it was entirely transactional. Of what you knew of your deceased father, he wasn't a paragon of virtue by any means. Upon inheriting the Company, it was on the verge of collapse and it was through Wang Tian Yu's help that rebuilt it. A portion of the money that was originally meant for rebuilding was spent on gambling and illegal activities. It was also Wang Tian Yu who assassinated Hualing at your father's request; all because he didn't want the public to find out the nature of their relationship. Perhaps he was more of a trusted command dog than a friend.

After all, if there was anything of what your adoptive father taught you— it was that those with power had unlimited authority. People are nothing more than pawns at your disposal. A principle that you disagree with though stuck with you nonetheless.

"Naturally. My relationship with my adoptive father was not a conventional one. It is only expected that I remove everything that resembles him." You replied, gesturing for Wang Tian Yu to sit comfortably. He did so, one to always listen with obedience.

"I see... Li Chen raised you with a proper attitude." He folded his arms across his chest, nodding quietly as he watched you freeze under his words.

"What is it you meant by that?" You heard him chuckle a bit as he leaned back in a seat, humming softly.

"A leader should be ready to sacrifice everything at any given moment. To abandon their morals and emotions. To steel themselves to protect their own pride. I can see that you've grown prideful of your own individuality separate from your father's. That, I am sure, he is proud of you."

Proud of me, huh... It was almost a cruel, sick joke to hear those words be uttered in such a context. Yet, it provided some clarity to you of exactly what kind of man your adoptive father was.

𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍 ↷ scaramouche x reader  Where stories live. Discover now