CHAPTER FOUR . 最高の勝利かもしれません

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❝ 最高の勝利かもしれません ❞
may the best be victorious

❝ 最高の勝利かもしれません ❞may the best be victorious

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YOUR ADOPTIVE FATHER was not a kind man

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YOUR ADOPTIVE FATHER was not a kind man. Though he raised you up from poverty and homelessness, he was certainly not affectionate by any means. Like you, he was stubborn and egoistic. His watchful eye never wandered too far from you; always overseeing everything to make sure you were trained to become the suitable heiress he never had. Ironically, he was neglectful towards you. He never shared any tender moments of bonding as his duties as the Company's Director did not necessitate raising the heirs themselves. You were handed from governess to governess— each too fed up with your own pridefulness, coincidentally the one of the few traits you 'inherited' from your adoptive father.

You were ten when you were adopted by him. Out of all the sickly and dirt poor children in that disgusting orphanage, you stood out amongst the rest. You were resilient, headstrong, and proud in spite of your own upbringing and he saw potential in that. From there, you underwent training— Physical, educational, and social training. You were educated by the wisest, most qualified professors of all of Teyvat and when you disobeyed or did something wrong, a punishment would be dealt— that was your physical training.

Whips and scorns were quite common during your youth. Each praise you received was quickly diminished by scorns and disdain. Whips were occasionally used to strike crimson upon your backside. Scars of which still remain till this day. Of course, your adoptive father was well aware of what was happening to you. He had given the order out himself to do what is necessary to train you and you were helpless in your case against it. Authoritative and draconian are the words you would use to describe your adoptive fathers and his regime that held precedent for 'your' sake. It was not love nor affection. You've never gotten a shred of love from him in your life. Perhaps this was why you never fully comprehended the concept of love due to the violence of your youth.

And here you are, presently standing in your fiancé's study where you've been told the news of your draconian father's passing. Your head maid in a flurry of emotions whilst you stood there in apathy. If the man who had stripped away your childhood, took you and raised you from the depths of hell, and tormented you until the age of eighteen has just been killed— how were you supposed to feel?

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