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❝ 花の頌歌 ❞
an ode of flowers

❝ 花の頌歌 ❞an ode of flowers

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YOU TURNED AROUND, facing your fiancé and taking notice of how the pale moonlight cascaded over his porcelain features, highlighting it in a silvery brush. The duvet weighed heavily against your body, the weight was oddly comforting for you.

"Hm?" You hummed lazily, having become a bit drowsy as the night grew late. You presumed the hours to be early morning, around one or two hours past midnight.

"This... wedding, you mentioned it before. What does it entail?"

You stared at him, blinking a few times before a soft laughter escaped your lips. Your quiet laughter filled the room in a comforting atmosphere. "What do you know about it?"

Scaramouche looked hesitant, breaking his eye contact with you. "I understand that it's an oath to one another. A contact, so to speak."

"Mhm..." You hummed in response, nodding along to encourage him to continue.

"The festivities of which eludes me... But it seems redundant." Scaramouche admitted, his head turned slightly to the side.

At least he's being honest... You thought to yourself. "Why does it seem redundant to you?"

Scaramouche flashed you a look, one of perplexity— you assumed it was because he didn't like your persistent questioning of him. "Like I said before, it's an oath. Your patron God of Contracts wouldn't care if it was verbalized in a ceremony or not. Once it's set in stone, nothing changes. We would be married in name."

"... I would still like to be married... in a ceremony." You insisted, attention flickering over to the window beside your bed, watching as the moonlit clouds float by.

"Why are you so insistent on one? It seems like a waste of time."

You've grown to learn that between the two of you, he was far more pragmatic than you would ever be. It couldn't be blamed on either ends, it was the circumstance of the natures of which the two of you have grown up. Nevertheless, your stubbornness persisted.

"Because... I want to feel like you care enough about me to consider the wedding... even if our views are not aligned."

Having seen the failure of your parents' marriage, simply being married in name alone frightened you. There would be no sentiment, no love, no affections shared. You would dine together, sleep together; but in reality— divorced. Individuals who are married only in name, tethered by this responsibility but there was nothing more. And that thought shook the entirety of your being, you couldn't live with yourself like that.

"Hm," Scaramouche made a noise of discontentment but he didn't voice any complaints. He went quiet for a brief moment, leaving you pondering exactly what he thought of the idea of the two of you being married in a ceremony.

𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍 ↷ scaramouche x reader  Where stories live. Discover now