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washing blood with blood

❝ 血で血を洗う ❞washing blood with blood

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THE SUMMER HEAT is sweltering even with the most recent Cryo technology you had recently installed in your estate. The breeze offered to you by the opened windows only blew a warm ocean wind, the heavy scent of sea salt attacking your senses. You felt like you were drowning in your sweat sitting in your office chair; the judgment of the summer sun just beyond the floor-to-ceiling glass windows was utterly ruthless. Just what the hell is the point of buying such expensive machinery when they don't even work? You started to question your sanity a bit, unsure whether that was being dictated by the incoming heatstroke or your general pent-up frustration.

"Gods..." You swore under your breath, glancing up at the 'air-conditioning' unit you had recently installed - squinting hard at the machinery before turning your attention to the remote set beside your fountain pens. Seized by a sudden desire to smash something, you grabbed the remote and threw it at the machine - hitting it hard enough for the wind pressure to increase. The wonders of elemental energy, your ass. You made a mental note to fire whoever it was that had recommended such a horrid machine to you... Not that it made a dent in your account anyway.

The work was seemingly endless. When you finally find yourself completing one task, you're bombarded with another three. Most were mundane approvals; such as specific shipping orders overseas and imports - work that should be delegated to your management team, couldn't they decide on their own? Were they so incompetent that they needed your approval for everything?

"Can't anyone in my team do their job right...?" You mumbled, shaking your head as you set your pen down. You glanced at the piles of paperwork that had grown to a mountain stack on your desk. What a nuisance.

You pinched the bridge of your nose, breathing in slowly as your eyes flickered between the parchment and the sun beyond the glass of your office. By your estimation, it was nearly midday. A break would be nice.

"Wenling? Are you there–? Oh right..." You had forgotten that she had asked to take the day off - presumably to spend time with Saito seeing as how he had yet to return the reports you had asked to see before the next procurement period for the company. Although you would like her help taking care of this sore sight, you also understood that she deserved a break. Especially with the influx of a greater volume of work as of late, she deserved it more than ever.

With the wedding happening in a matter of weeks; you, Scaramouche, and the entirety of both organizations of which you both held authority, had been busy preparing for the grand event. Not to mention just a month ago, you decided to fire your entire board of directors as you believed it was necessary to restart your company from the ground up so that there wouldn't be any more traitors lurking in your ranks. Now, more than ever, you need allies.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍 ↷ scaramouche x reader  Where stories live. Discover now