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❝ 好きっていいなよ ❞
say "i love you"

❝ 好きっていいなよ ❞say "i love you"

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SCARAMOUCHE LAID QUIETLY beside you, his right arm draped over your figure to pull your back closer to his chest

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SCARAMOUCHE LAID QUIETLY beside you, his right arm draped over your figure to pull your back closer to his chest. Presently, you've been trying to succumb to exhaustion for the last two hours yet nothing seemingly works. All you could think about was your fiancé's touch against your bare arm, how his fingers danced fire across your body in shots of heat waves despite the coldness of the room. He traced patterns up and down against your skin, causing your body to shudder in empty excitement. His breathing was quietly, not too shallow which indicated that he wasn't quite asleep either.

"Why aren't you asleep?" His voice caught you off-guard, startling you. Slowly, you rolled to your other side to see him staring at you, his eyes glowed in the darkness like violet plasma shot across the night sky.

"Can't sleep," you replied, emptily.

You felt his arm shift, moving around your waist to push you closer to him. You caught a whiff of his cologne; it was hard to pin-point the exact scent but it was reminiscent of the earthy tones after rainfall in Liyue. The smell of the wet soil, the natural musk of summertime rain storms, a clap of thunder that lit up the sky. Something about it was electrifying, natural. Within that, there was the scent of tsubaki flowers and orange blossoms. The sweet floras blended with the muskiness of the earth, comforting. It smelled like home to you.

"What on earth could be occupying your mind?" Scaramouche berated, propping his head up with his free hand. He pulled his arm away from you, the warmth leaving your skin. A whine almost escaped you, wanting him to hold you longer but you suppressed it.

"Nothing," you lied, pressing your eyes closed.

"I'm sure it's not 'nothing'." Scaramouche scoffed at you, condescendingly. "Spill it. Don't make me ask again."

You pressed your lips thinly before letting out a quiet sigh. You reopened your eyes, looking up to see that his gaze was fixed upon you. His scent filled your nose again; putting you at ease.

"If... I wasn't so powerless... maybe these things wouldn't have happened to me..." You muttered quietly, eyes scanning his face for a reaction. "All I've ever been to you is a nuisance..."

𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍 ↷ scaramouche x reader  Where stories live. Discover now