CHAPTER TEN . 死のダルケット

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❝ 死のダルケット❞
dulcet of death

❝ 死のダルケット❞dulcet of death

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HER WORDS, SOFT as prayers reached your young ears. Her embrace was tender, gentle as she held you close. She feared that by letting you go, each momentary time she allowed you to slip past her fingers, you would disappear and be beaten by her husband. She couldn't live with that, she wouldn't live without you. It was all she had left— you were everything to her. Her star of life, the sun that lit up her world.

"Mommy loves you, so so much."

Her words rang in your mind as she repeated the same utterings like a prayer, chanting it in hopes of you remembering her words. She feared that if you were to forget her, you would fall into the void of desolation like she has. That was a fate she could not stand for and did whatever she could in order to ensure you of a brighter future.

"Don't leave me... Mommy will protect you."

Her hands clasped tightly around yours. The shakiness in her grip revealed everything, her phobia of losing you to the darkness she tried so hard to fight off. She swore to defend you, swore to keep you safe and sound. No harm would ever come to her precious child—

"Your mother is dead."

Ying Yue had promised that she would stay by your side as your mother when you had no one. She had broken her promise to you and left behind her cold, dead corpse instead. You felt indifferent towards her death— that was what you told yourself to cope with the loss. The gaping hole in your chest grew and the empty cavity only worsened when your adoptive father grew even more distant and cold than before. Apathy conquered your mind and left you as an empty shell.

Everyone was certain of it— that (l/n) Li Chen gave the orders to kill his own wife. The wife whom he drove insane all thanks to his obsession with perfection. Whether it was lechery or the tragic coping mechanism of a broken sanity, Li Chen's actions were unforgivable in your eyes. To protect the image and reputation of the falling house, Li Chen did what he believed to be necessary. His belief drove him to killing his wife and torturing his only successor for the sake of honor.

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