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❝ 二元性 ❞duality

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UNDER THE COVER of night, a shadowy figure made their way weaving through the back alleys of Liyue Harbor. The civilians of the city were too occupied with the announcement of the Director of the (l/n) Company and the Sixth Harbinger's wedding which will be held next month. Ceremonious, they were all too jaded to see the true danger lurking beneath the alcoholic buzz and golden sparkles.

Swift steps, silent. The figure danced with the devious shadows, playing tricks on the mind as the phantom roamed the darkness. No amount of light shed upon the phantom's truth.

Clocking around the corner of the near-empty Ministry of Civil Affairs, the phantom observed the few guards on duty. The streets of Feiyun Slope were rather barren as well. Was the Ministry so naïve as to set so few people out to guard such a place? Or has their own foolishness blinded them to indulge in such trivial materialism?

Nevertheless, the phantom pressed onwards to find their target.

Lurking within the darkness, a second figure stood alone, tapping their foot angrily as if awaiting someone who was late. A noise of discontent could be heard before the phantom greeted the figure.

"You're early." A young, masculine voice emitted from the shadow-veiled individual.

"And you're late." The figure who spoke possessed a much deeper baritone. He sounded weary, tired. Moonlight cascaded over the two to briefly reveal the figure's olden features. The phantom however, was concealed from the golden hues of the street lanterns.

"My sincerest apologies." The phantom answered, it lacked any genuine meaning. "As you know, entering Liyue Harbor undetected is a difficult task. Luckily, there seems to be a rather special occasion that has captured everyone's attention."

The figure snorted at his words. "That is at your own causation. It is because you threatened the Director so many times, tight security at the manor is necessary."

The phantom seemed pleased to hear the response. "Well, then I suppose I did my job well."

The figure didn't answer, instead, he changed the topic entirely. "Did you bring what was asked of the exchange?"

In the faint orange glow, a small box was presented. The phantom wordlessly held it out to the figure which prompted the latter to reach out, only for the phantom to withdraw it. "Oh Lan Fei, you're too hasty. What's the hurry?"

Lan Fei clicked his tongue in discontent, huffing in annoyance. "It's too dangerous for us to meet like this— of course I am being hasty! Hand over the box."

"Certainly." The phantom said in a sing-song tone. "But I need to ensure the payment has already been sent beforehand. I am a cautious man, you see."

Under the currents of his teasing lilt, there was a dangerous blade hidden. Lan Fei glanced downwards to see the faint glow of crimson emitting from the phantom's cloak. For a brief moment, he saw what he assumed was a Pyro Vision, but upon second glance— it looked... particularly odd.

𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍 ↷ scaramouche x reader  Where stories live. Discover now