Sophie's POV

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"Sophie!" Biana screamed excitedly from my imparter. "We are having a sleepover at Everglen tonight! Be there at 6.30! I already asked Edaline. Everyone is coming!"
My thoughts wandered to a certain blonde-haired elf. " Even Keefe?" I asked absentmindedly, then immediately covered my mouth hoping Biana hadn't heard. But no such luck.
" Yes. Even Keefe. Sounds like you have something to spill! You are going to tell us everything tonight!" Biana said wiggling her eyebrows.
I blushed furiously and said, " I just meant... I was asking who was going to be there."
Biana smirked, "Sure honey. Anyway, Linh, Tam, Wylie, Dex, Marella, Stina are coming. And obviously, Fitz will be there." I waited for the flutters, but none came. 'Huh, that's strange I thought. "Oh, Keefe will be coming too!" She wiggled her eyebrows again and I blushed and my heart started beating at hummingbird pace.
'What's going on? I like Fitz, not Keefe! Why is my heart beating so fast?' I wondered.
"Sophie! Sophie! Hello, earth to Sophie!" Biana practically shouted. I jumped, "What happened? You zoned out for a while." Then her tone changed. "Thinking of a special someone are we?" She asked teasingly.
I blushed (yet again)but rolled my eyes. "Be there at 6.30 and bring make-up supplies, no excuses! Ok bye!" She exclaimed, giving me no time to protest.
I felt so happy to be able to have a sleepover just to hang out and chat with my friends and not because we had to discuss ways to save the world, that I managed not to groan at the thought of makeovers!
I looked at the time and saw that I had about two hours left to get ready. I picked out a fitted red tunic with black leggings with white flats and even put on some gold eyeliner! Vertina even to convince me to let her help with my hair. It ended up in a waterfall braid that looked like this:

" I hate to say this Sophie, but you look quite nice! Are you trying to impress someone? Is it Fitz? No, I know! It's Keefe!"" Vertina!" I exclaimed blushing

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" I hate to say this Sophie, but you look quite nice! Are you trying to impress someone? Is it Fitz? No, I know! It's Keefe!"
" Vertina!" I exclaimed blushing. I quickly stepped out of her range and began packing for tonight. I didn't take much, just one set of extra clothing, I was sure Biana would put me in a whole lot of dresses, my makeup supplies, Biana had insisted, and of course Ella, I couldn't sleep without her.
It was already 6.20! I hurried downstairs to say goodbye to Edaline. She was making mallowmelt. " Here these are for you. I know how much your friends love it," she said, handing me a box. " Thanks, mom. I'm leaving now. Love you, bye!" I say hugging her. " Bye sweetie, I love you too!" Said Edaline. I rushed up to the leap master and called, " Everglen" and let the light sweep me away.

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