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(Wylie POV)

Biana had arranged all our sleeping bags such we were next to a person of the opposite gender, but I didn't mind that much since I got to be next to Linh.  I have had a crush on her for so long that I can't remember when it started. I really want to tell her and maybe this is the time to do it. So, steeling my courage, I lean over to her and whisper, "Let's go for a walk later," She blushes and nods.

(Time skip)

We quietly sneak away, careful not to wake the others. As we walk through Everglen's beautiful gardens under the moonlight I find myself staring at her. She is just so perfect. I don't know what I'll do if she rejects me. I could never feel the same way about anyone else. Just then  Linh tugs at my arm gently and points at a lake. I knew instinctively that this was the spot.  I stared into her eyes. "Linh," I whispered softly, "I need to tell you something. I..I you." She stares at me in shock for a while, processing that. Then she presses her lips to mine.

I didn't respond at first, a little startled but soon I kiss her back. " So what are we now?" she asks, blushing slightly. "Anything you want," I answer. "Ok then. So, Wylie, will you be my boyfriend?" "Of course, my dear girlfriend," I joke. She punches my shoulder lightly and we both sit down and look at the moon. I put my arm around her shoulders and she leans on me. We stay like that for a while before I realise that we should go back. "We should get back. Don't want Biana to find us like this!" She kisses me one last time and then we head back to our sleeping bags. I drift off to sleep, my arm draped around Linh and a smile on my face.

Sorry if that was super cringy because I have no experience writing romance. Also I will try to update longer chapters next time. 

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