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(Linh POV)   

We (read: Biana) decided to play Kiss, Marry, Kill first and then play the spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven. "I'll start! I choose... Linh!" Biana exclaims dramtically. I internally groan. With Biana, things are never easy. "Kiss Marry Kill, Dex, Fitz and Wylie" "Which is higher? Kiss or Marry?" I ask. "Marry is higher than kiss" Sophie replies. "Ok then. Kill Dex, no offence" I say looking at him apologetically. He doesn't look disappointed. "KissFitzmarryWylie," I mutter quickly, blushing. "What's that? Say it a bit louder. We have to know your secrets" smirks Keefe. Sophie punches him lightly on the arm. "I said kiss Fitz, marry Wylie." "Yes! OTP!" squeals Biana. I look embarrassed and Wylie blushes while Tam glares daggers at him. I roll my eyes. Overprotective brothers. "Ok, it's my turn. Marella! Kiss Marry Kill, Dex, Fitz and Tam" I say, wiggling my eyebrows. She blushes. "Kill Fitz," We all gasp. Marella used to be one of Fitz's many admirer's. Except for Fitz himself who looks relieved. She shrugs. "Kiss Tam, marry Dex." Dex's face burns, but he looks delighted. I'm happy for those two, they are made for each other. "Anyway, I choose...Biana! Kiss Marry Kill, Keefe, Dex Tam," says Marella. "Kill Keefe," Biana says with no hesitation. "Oh! How can anyone live without the amazing Lord Hunkyhair? You have offended me Biana!" cries Keefe dramatically, clutching his chest as though in pain. Biana just rolls her eyes while everyone else starts cracking up. "Kiss Dex, marry Tam," finishes Biana. No surprise there. Biana and Tam are perfect. I even thought of ship names for them. Tiana! It sounds amazing!

"Guys can we play the other game now?" asks Dex. "Ooh! Eager to be with your girl I see," smirks Keefe. Dex and Marella look like their faces are on fire. Sophie swats his arm lightly "What Foster?" he says innocently. She rolls her eyes. Those two are so cute together! Then I see Fitz shooting Keefe a jealous glare. Uh oh. 

Luckily Tam interrupted saying,"So, how is this going to work?" speaking for what feels like the first time in the entire sleepover. "I'm glad you asked," replied Biana with a slightly maniacal expression on her face. "Basically one person spins a bottle. Then they have to go into a closet with that person for seven minutes."

Fitz got an empty bottle of youth and we sat in a circle. Then he spun it and it landed on...

Sophie! (This is going to be a Sokeefe story. Don't worry)

She got up nervously and followed him into a closet. Keefe looked like he wanted to punch something.

(Sophie POV)

I can't believe I have to go into a closet with Fitz for seven minutes! How am I supposed to explain that I like Keefe now? Wait do I like Keefe? Ugh, this is so confusing. 

As soon as we were in the cupboard, we heard someone locking it! Typical Biana. "Sooo," Fitz said, dragging out the word. I didn't reply. Usually I would be totally absorbed in his teal eyes, but today I feel like they would be so much better if they were ice blue. Wait what? I think I just admitted to myself that I like Keefe! I shake my head to push those thoughts away.

I suddenly realise that Fitz is leaning towards me! "I can't do it. I'm sorry Fitz," He looks super hurt and I feel really guilty, but my heart belongs to Keefe. "I don't like you that way anymore," "Yeah, I figured as much, the way you've been acting recently. It's Keefe isn't it?" I slowly nod. " Yeah ok. Go ahead. You don't have to care about me," he snaps. His words sting. At that moment Biana opens the door. He immediately storms out, saying he has to go to the bathroom. I walk out slowly, still stunned by what happened. I think Tam goes in with Biana next. I'm not sure, I'm not paying attention. I just lost one of my closest friends. Just then, Fitz walks in and motions for me to come with him. Keefe shoots me a worried glance but I smile reassuringly at him. Fitz leads me up to his room.

"I'm sorry Sophie. I was being a jerk. I didn't mean anything I said. I'm happy for you." He sounded genuine, and that was enough for me. "It's ok Fitz. I forgive you. Still friends?" I ask, holding out my hand. He shakes it. "Still friends," he agrees slowly smiling. We hug each other and then go back.

It seems like Dex and Marella are in the cupboard now. Biana mouths "He kissed me." I'm happy for her, she deserves someone like Tam. Though if he hurts her he will regret it. 

After Dex and Marella come out, we decide to get some snacks and then go to bed. "You guys get snacks. I'll set up the sleeping bags," says Biana. We gather mallowmelt, ripple puffs, custard busts, indigoobers and so many other Elvin desserts. When we come back and sit on our sleeping bags, we realise that Biana has placed them in such a way that Linh and Wylie were next to each other, Me and Keefe, Dex and Marella, her and Tam, and, since they were the only ones left, Fitz and Stina.

"Biana!" I exclaim. "What?" she says looking innocent. I shake my head. This was going to be an interesting night.

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