Matchmaking Scrolls

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(Marella POV)

When we arrive outside the Matchmaking Office, I begin to worry. What if Dex and I aren't on each other's lists? Will he agree to be a bad match? His parent faced a lot of scorn so would he want to go through that? Suddenly Dex takes my hand and all my worries melt away as he whispers, "Don't be nervous. I'm sure it'll be fine. But even if it's not, I love you." "Thanks Dex. I love you too," I reply and squeeze his hand. We enter and make our way to the desk at the front that says 'Lists Received Here'. Stina, who's arm in arm with Fitz for some reason, steps forward and says, "Hi we're Stina heks, Fitz Vacker, Tam Song, Biana Vacker, Linh Song, Wylie Endal, Marella Redek, Dex Dizznee, Keefe Sencen and Sophie Foster. We would like to collect our match lists." "Ok sure. Here," the lady replies, handing her a stack of paper. We then walk back outside and Fitz pulls out his home crystal and shouts, "Everglen," and we step into the light. 

Almost as soon as we arrive back, Biana reaches for the scrolls and pulls everyone inside, squealing. She pushes us down in the living room and hands out our scrolls. "Ok on three we open them then we pass them around. Ready, one, two three!"

All around they are opening their scrolls. I take a deep breath and unroll mine.

Congratulations Marella Redek! We have determined that you like boys with periwinkle blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair. Your top matches are:

I close my eyes and then decide to read from top to bottom and scan for familiar names.

56: Jensei Babblos

43: Fitz Vacker

21: Tam Song

3: Dex Dizznee

Yes! Dex is in my top ten! I am so happy. When I look up, most people are looking happy except for Sophie, Keefe and Fitz. Sophie is staring at her scroll with her eyes glazed and her face looks frozen with shock. Keefe is scanning his list again and again worriedly while Fitz is looking a mix of happines and surprise. "All right people!" Biana yells getting our attention. "Pass your scroll to the person on the left. I pass mine to Wylie and receive Linh's. 

Congratulations Linh Song! We have determined that you like boys with bright blue eyes and black hair. Your top matches are:

48: Keefe Sencen

33: Fitz Vacker

11: Dex Dizznee 

 When I see Dex's name I feel super jealous, but then I see that Wylie is her number five, and calm down. We swap again. This time it's Fitz. I am curious to see his list.

26: Linh Song

15: Marella Redek   Seriously!

1: Stina Heks

Oh my God! He got Stina? Then why's he looking happy? Does he like Stina? And more importantly, why is Sophie not there? But I have no time to ponder because it's the next swap. Biana

68: Jensei Babblos

53: Dex Dizznee  Again I am slightly jealous but he was only 53!

29: Keefe Sencen

5: Tam Song

I think Biana and Tam would do well together. They are opposites and opposites attract after all! We swap so many scrolls and I notice that everyone becomes paler after reading Sophie's so I am very curious. When it's finally my turn to have Sophie's scroll I eagerly take it.

Dear Sophie Foster, we regret to inform you that since we do not have the names of your biological parents, you are currently unmatchable.


Oh poor Sophie! After all she had gone through, didn't she deserve a happy ending? She and Keefe were perfect for each other. She looks close to tears and everyone is staring at her. Keefe whispers to her, "It's ok Foster. I don't care if you still want to be with me," Sophie's face immediately lights up. "Of course Keefe." We all murmur agreement and she begins to look happier. "Thank you guys so much! I'm so lucky to have friends like you!" "Of course Sophie. Now, who wants to play tackle bramble?" asks Linh. 

Immediately everyone rushes out and it's just me and Dex. He is looking nervous. "Um.. Hey Marella, do you want to be my girlfriend? I mean only if you want to. I would never force you. Ugh I'm so bad at this," he says, blushing and running his hand through his hair. I giggle and step forward, "No, I think you're great at this," and we both surge  forward at the same time, our lips meeting. It was pure bliss. When we pull away, I ask him, " Dex, do you want to go out with me?" He nods enthusiastically. "Does Monday seven sound good? We could meet at Atlantis," "Of course," he answers and he kisses me again. 

Suddenly, I hear Biana screaming, "Marella! Tell me everything!" Vanishers! Then I begin to run because she will force me to spill all the details and give me a makeover! "No! You'll never catch me!!" I cry and we run out of the house into the gardens where everyone joins us and we start playing tag. We manage to forget about matchmaking drama and whatnot. In that moment we are just happy teenagers playing with each other and laughing.

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