Tam's POV

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I woke up in the morning to find that someone was tickling me! I may not seem like it, but I was very ticklish and I started giggling! Giggling! I, Tam Song, was giggling! What was happening to me? It could only be Biana since Linh was most likely still asleep. "Biana!" I whisper screamed. "Stop it!" "Sorry, I'm just so excited! I had an idea! What do you say we fill out our matchmaking packets?"  "Sure," I replied. 'What is wrong with me? Did I  agree, to get my matchmaking packet? It must be Biana. I swear she has the queerest effect on me.' She started to squeal excitedly and then woke everyone up by shouting, "Wake up people! We're getting our matchmaking packets!" They all groaned but knew better than to argue with Biana. She told the girls to go upstairs to her room to get makeup supplies ready and they left obediently.

She then pulled me aside, "Thanks for agreeing. I know that you don't really want to so I appreciate you doing it for me," she said, smiling at me. I could stare into her beautiful teal eyes all day. Then out of the blue, I found her lips on mine! I was so startled. Luckily I came to my senses and kissed her.  She pulled away first, blushing. "Well we should probably go get ready," she said. I nodded, still in a daze. I still couldn't believe that she liked me, even after her very sweet confession in the closet.

As I was dressing up, I suddenly began to worry. We both knew that we loved each other, but what if we weren't on each other's lists? What if we were a bad match? I would be fine with it, but would Biana? I mean she was a Vacker after all! I was so nervous that I barely registered the clothes Fitz gave me. 

We all trooped to the stairs to wait for the girls. They came down shortly after and though the others all looked nice, I only had eyes for Biana. And she was gorgeous.

She was wearing a silver strapless dress that came till her ankles and light pink high heels. Her dark curly hair hung loose around her shoulders and she had put on silver eyeshadow and pink lipstick.

Seeing Biana calmed me down enough for me to hold out my arm to her. She took it and we lead the way to the Leapmaster 10 000. As she shouted, "Matchmaking Office!" I visibly paled and she squeezed my arm reassuringly. We arrived right outside the office and almost immediately people began pointing and whispering. 

"Vacker girl and the Song boy?" 





"Deserves better,"

My cheeks burned. I knew things like this would happen. I wouldn't blame Biana if she didn't want me. I mean who would want someone who was banished! I began to slip my hand out of hers. But to my surprise, she tightened her grip and held her head high, glaring at the whisperers who fell silent under her gaze. "Don't let them bother you, Tam. I don't care what they say," she told me.  Though my heart lightened a little, my dread returned as soon as we stepped inside the office, and once again people began to point at us. Luckily or unluckily for me, a lady motioned for me to follow her almost immediately after confirming my name. I walked shakily, wobbling with almost every step. I turned around and Biana offered me a reassuring smile. I returned it somewhat nervously. 

The lady pushed me into a room and told me to wait for a while. During that time, I managed to push away my worries and tried to think of how Biana had kissed me, and how she smiled at me, and how she told me she wouldn't care what anyone said. By the time my matchmakers entered, I was feeling more confident. Confident enough to give them a smile. 

"You are Tam Song?" One of them asked. I nodded, my fists clenching at the name Song. "Your parents are Quan and Mai Song?" another stiff nod. "You are currently staying with Sir Tiergan Andrin Alenefar?" "Yes," I replied, speaking for the first time. "Ok, so now we will give you your match packet and you can mail it back to us anytime you wish. We will read through your answers and have your first match-list ready within a few hours. " They handed me a huge stack of papers and then told me to go back outside. 

'That wasn't too bad' When I go back to the area, I found Fitz, Marella, and Wylie waiting. They didn't have their match packets. I ask them why and they reply that they had already registered before the Neverseen was defeated. Wylie had even received one list! "But I want someone else and I'm hoping they'll be there this time," I knew immediately that he was talking about my sister and I decided that I needed to talk to him. " Listen, I know you like my sister and you make her happy. So I'm fine with it. But, if you do anything, anything at all, to hurt her in any way, you are dead," I threatened menacingly. He laughed, "Point taken.  But I promise. I won't let anything happen to her," I could tell he was sincere so I nodded.

"Same goes for my sister," Fitz added. "I am very capable of making you regret anything you do to harm her." "I would never hurt Biana." He agrees. Then Marella rolled her eyes, "Overprotective brothers!"

Just then Dex joined us and he has a thick stack of papers just like me. Soon everyone is back with their packets and Biana suggests going back to Everglen to fill them out and mail them back today itself. Again, no one disagreed though they looked like they wanted to.

As soon as we arrived she shooed us each to a room and Fitz, Wylie and Marella werere tasked to bake us some mallowmelt and custard bursts. ' Nice move Biana. Now everyone will want to finish quickly to have snacks.'

Anyway, I went to my room, sat down at the desk, took a deep breath, and began filling out the form. When I was done, I read through my answers again and then mailed it to the Matchmaker's office.

 When I came out of my room, I found the others in the kitchen feasting on mallowmelt and custard bursts so I quickly gathered some on my plate before Sophie and Keefe could polish off the whole lot! Then Fitz suggested we play a game. Stina opened her mouth but Sophie cut her off before she could start, "Nothing related to romance or matchmaking," "You people are no fun!" Stina and Biana said at the same time. 

The rest of us looked at them in shock. 'They used to be enemies and now they're saying the exact same thing at the exact same time? What is happening?' Things have really changed since the Neverseen were defeated.

Dex then suggested we play base quest. We ended up playing five rounds The teams were as follows:

Round 1: Biana, Sophie, Linh, Marella, and Stina against Me, Dex, Fitz, Keefe, and Wylie (Abilities allowed)

Round 2: Biana, Me, Sophie, Fitz, and Keefe against Stina, Dex, Marella, Wylie, and Linh (Abilities not allowed)

Round 3: Me, Linh, Marella, Wylie, and Dex against Keefe, Sophie, Biana, Stina, and Fitz (Abilities allowed)

Round 4: Linh, Dex, Biana, Keefe, and Wylie against Me, Fitz, Marella, Stina, and Sophie (Abilities not allowed)

Round 5: Wylie, Sophie, Marella, Dex, and Stina against Fitz, Me, Keefe, Biana, and Linh (Abilities allowed)

Naturally, when abilities were allowed, Sophie's team won due to her tracking skills but on the other two rounds, the other teams won. But that didn't matter. The point was to take our minds off the matchmaking stress and it certainly did. By the time we went to bed, we were all pleasantly exhausted and found it easy to fall asleep despite the fact that we were picking up our lists tomorrow. 

As I drifted off to sleep, I pictured finding Biana's name as the number 1 on my list and imagined a future together. I hoped it would one day be true.

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