Keefe's POV

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Fitz just invited me to Everglen for a sleepover! 'I hope Foster will be there. I really like her. I could stare into her beautiful brown eyes all day. She's so kind, and she cares about me and understands me, something no one has been able to do, not even Fitzy.'

"Snap out of it Lord Hunky Hair!" said Ro, smirking. "Thinking about Blondie again, are we. Well, she definitely won't fall for you if your hair is all over the place."

"Don't insult 'The Hair'," I said, with a mock offended expression on my face. Ro just rolled her eyes and pushed me towards the bathroom. After spending an hour fixing'The Hair', I ran to the leap master, grabbed Ro's hand and yelled "Everglen!"

Almost as soon as I arrive, I hear someone tripping and find myself on the ground with someone on top of me. I smile. Only Foster is capable of possibly injuring herself before the sleepover starts. She rolled off me, her face looks like a tomato.

" Wow Foster, fell for me pretty quickly huh?" I said smirking. "You're adorable when you're flustered, you know that?' She looked away, blushing even harder.

"Am I interrupting something?" a teasing voice suddenly asked. We both jump. Biana. Foster quickly scrambled up realising the awkward position we were in. " No Foster was just confessing her undying love for me as usual and going on about how she can't live without me"I said looking at her in amusement to see what she would do. Foster rolls her eyes and gives me a small push before picking up her bag and following Biana into the house.

Biana didn't seem angry when she found me and Foster together. Hopefully this meant that she had gotten over her crush on me.

Ro whispers to me, "You better hope that she doesn't fall for pretty boy again" I hope she doesn't too, but I want her to be happy, and if being with Fitz made her happy, then so be it. I wish she would choose me though. Maybe this sleepover would be the time to make that happen.

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