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Stina POV

I still couldn't believe that I had been invited to a sleepover at Everglen, the home of the one and only Fitz Vacker. I guess the Team Valiant stuff actually paid off. Because now they include me in most things, like I'm part of their friend group. But I mean, they were mean to me, but I still helped them, so I guess I deserve to be one of them. (I hate Stina too much to make her completely reformed!)

Anyway, Sophie suggested we play truth or dare. Biana immediately agrees, an evil grin on her face.  But Fitz objects, "Remember what happened last time?" "That was a long time ago. Nothing like that will happen again," says Biana. Fitz still looks uneasy. "Ok fine. Let's take a vote. Who wants to play truth or dare?" asks Dex. Linh, Wylie, Sophie, Dex, Marella, Keefe, Biana and me raise our hands. "Ha! Looks like you're outvoted, Fitzy and Bangs Boy! What's the matter? Don't want us to find out your secrets?" "I'm beginning to regret this," Sophie muttered. I silently agree with her. 

"Oh don't be silly. This will be fun! We can find out who likes who, and then we can tease them about it and watch them blush! I'm so looking forward to this!" exclaims Ro. I jump. I forgot she was there for a while. I must say she is unexpectedly good at sneaking up on people, especially as an ogre.

"Ok, I'll start," says Keefe. "Bangs Boy, truth or dare?" he asks, not totally unexpected, seeing as those two hate each other, which is silly, since they are practically the same person.

Tam groans, "Truth. I'm not stupid enough to take a dare from you!" "Alright then," says Keefe, smirking in a way that made me think Tam should watch out, " Bangs Boy, tell us your crush, right now, and it must be AUDIBLE." Tam groans again. "Biana," he whispers, before his face burned enough to rival Sophie. He gathered the shadows around himself and attempted to hide. Biana turns red too and mutters, "I like you too." Tam reappears, looking shocked and delighted. He moves over to sit by Biana and Fitz glares at him. "You and me are going to have a very long talk later," he growls. Biana rolled her eyes.

"Truth or dare, Keefe?" asks Tam. "I never turn down a dare," says Keefe confidently. Tam had an evil glint in his eyes. "Ok, I dare you to, dye your hair neon pink and neon green!" Keefe was so horrified, it was comical. I started laughing and then all the others started too, even Sophie and Fitz. "Fitzy! You too! I thought we were best friends!" gasped Keefe, clutching his heart in mock shock. (Hey that rymes! Totally didn't mean to. Haha!) "Sorry, you just look so funny!" Fitz managed to say, shaking with laughter. Finally, Dex recovered enough to pull two vials out of his bag and say, " Here, drink these. Your hair will turn pink and green."

Keefe slowly reached out for the vials. It was taking forever. I couldn't take it anymore. I yelled, "Keefe, just drink them already!" Everyone stared at me. "What? He was taking to long," I said, shrugging. Keefe quickly downed both exilars. The change was almost immediate. Half of his hair was neon green and the other half was neon pink! It was so different compared to his usual style that it was hilarious. We all collapsed again and began roaring with laughter. Keefe pulled out a mirror and looked at his reflection. 

He began to wail loudly, "The Hair! The Hair! How could you do this to me! Bangs Boy! Even you aren't this cruel! I'm going to die! Help me! The Hair! Nooo!" By this point, tears were running down our cheeks and we were hysterical. 

Della chose this moment to come in. "Hi guys! Din.." She stopped, taking in the scene around her. Keefe with his new hair, wailing loudly, the rest of us dying of laughter and asked, "What is going on?"

We all stopped abruptly and sat up again. "We were just playing truth or dare," explained Biana. "Oh." Della nodded as though that explained everything. "Anyway, I was just going to to say that dinner's ready." "Mallomelt!" Keefe shouted and rushed down the stairs. Della laughed, "You lot better get down there before he finishes everything." She led us downstairs to where Keefe was stuffing his face with mallowmelt, as expected. "This is really good," he managed to say. "Of course! It's Edaline's recipe!" replies Della. She had even made starkflower stew! 

All the food was amazing and everyone was feeling full after eating. "Should we go to sleep now?" asked Linh.  "We have time for a few more games," said Biana. "Let's play spin the bottle!" exclaims Marella at the same time that I say, "Let's play seven minutes in heaven!" " No, I want to play Kiss, Marry, Kill," says Linh. "How about we compromise? We play seven minutes in heaven mixed with spin the bottle!" says Wylie. No one objects although Tam and Sophie look like they want to. "So, lets start then!" exclaims Fitz.

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