Sophie's POV

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I was having a nightmare. I was relieving all the deaths and tortures we have gone through throughout the years. First Dex and me being burned and tied up then Kenric dying, Mr Forkle dying as well, Terik getting a prosthetic leg, Biana being scarred by Vespera, Me and Fitz being hit by shadowflux, Keefe lying unconscious for days after his mom did her creepy experiment. There is just no end to the troubles we have gone through. Then I began to imagine new scenarios. All of them ending in one of my friends dying. First Fitz then Biana, Keefe, Dex, Tam, Linh, Grady, Edaline and basically everyone. Then Lady Gisela appears along with Gethen and Ruy, saying, "Give up little moonlark. We will always be stronger, always have the upper hand and always win! You have no chance.  Back off now and we might spare your friends." I begin to thrash and scream. Then suddenly a blue breeze enters my mind and I calm down. The breezes keep coming until I can finally open my eyes.

I find a concerned Keefe staring at me. He is holding my hand, having removed my gloves and deactivated my nails. "Thanks for the breezes. They really helped," I say. "No problem Foster. You had me really worried there for a while though. Nightmare?" he asks. I nod. "Want to talk about it?" When I shake my head he suggests we go out to the balcony.

There are thousands of stars twinkling above us and Everglen's beautiful gardens are below us. It's so peaceful and I find myself leaning against Keefe's chest. Eventually I realise that I feel completely at ease. I don't have to worry about what to say or do. Keefe will just accept me for whatever I do. I finally understand that I'm in love with Keefe Sencen! How do I explain that to him? What if he doesn't like me back. All of a sudden, he tilts my face up and presses his lips to mine. All my doubts are gone and I kiss him back. We break apart and Keefe is blushing. A rare occurence. "That was..." "Amazing," Keefe finishes my sentence. "So do you want to do it again?" He asks. This time I kiss him first and he kisses me back passionately. We stay like like that for a while but sadly we do need oxygen and break apart gasping. "Sophie, will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes," I reply, my heart bursting with happiness. And, as we head back to the sleeping bags, arm in arm, it feels right, like we were meant to be.

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