Fitz POV

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I can't believe that Biana forced them to fill out their packets! That's so inconsiderate of her. She knows that I haven't gotten over Sophie yet even though I am happy for them. I still love her so I will leave her and Keefe alone, but I don't know how I will manage if Biana makes us play something related to match-making. But I know better than to argue with her. So I do whatever she wants me to do and pretend that everything is fine. When I go to sleep I dream of Sophie in my arms and her lips on mine. 

I suddenly wake up in the middle of the night. I think I hear a noise in the balcony. What if the Neverseen is back? I quietly creep there, preparing for a fight. But what I see is even worse. Sophie and Keefe, kissing under the moonlight. They break apart and she rests her head on his shoulder. He strokes her hair and they smile. They are so natural together. I guess Sophie is better off with Keefe, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. They kiss again before going back to the hall. I quickly duck aside so they don't see me. 

My heart feels like it's breaking. I quickly rush to my room and let the tears stream down my cheeks. I scream into my pillow. Why can't I have her? Is there something wrong with me? Aren't I the Golden Boy? A Vacker? Shouldn't everyone want me? The world can be so unfair sometimes! I decide to sleep in my room tonight. I can't stand seeing Sophie maybe sleeping with Keefe!

"Fitz? Can I come in?" someone asks softly. I don't reply. They come in anyway. They roughly shake me. "What do you want?" I ask. "Are you crying? Fitz Vacker is crying? What's going on?" it says, instead of answering my question.

Definitely Stina. "Yes Stina, I'm crying. I'm a person too you know." She rolls her eyes. "What happened?" At first, it feels kind of weird, but soon I find it comfortable and confide in her about everything. And it feels good. I never thought I would describe Stina Heks as sympathetic, but that's just what she was. She knew exactly what to say and soon I was feeling better. "You sound like you know exactly what I'm going through. Do you?" She looks down and colour rises to her cheeks. "Yes. I liked a boy but he had eyes for someone else. When they started dating and I felt exactly like you do now. Then they broke up and I thought I had a chance since the girl got together with another boy soon. But apparently, he still has feelings for her." I looked down as well, ashamed of myself. I had no idea what Stina was going through. I mean that's not completely strange since we all hated her at first and she's only just began to be one of us, but still. We should have taken more effort. So I say, "I'm sorry Stina. I didn't know. Who is the boy?" She flushes even deeper red before mumbling something unintelligible. "Sorry, could you repeat that?" "I said you" she answers, louder than before.

I nod but then the sentence begins to register. Wait, Stina likes me? "Oh," I say lamely. She swallows, "I just made things super awkward, didn't I?" I look down. "Well, I'm going to go back now. I hope you feel better tomorrow," she says, before leaving the room. I sit there in stunned silence. I sit on the edge of the bed and think about it. I can't believe that that just happened. Stina Heks just confessed that she liked me and I could only say 'Oh'? Seriously! What is wrong with me? Ugh! Never mind. I can't do anything about it now anyway. 

But as I drift off to sleep, I think about how natural it was when I was telling Stina about my feelings. So much more real than Sophie. Our relationship always felt sort of fake. I only showed her my most perfect side when we were dating and would always be afraid if she found me in an embarrassing situation. It wasn't like that with Stina. I mean she had just seen me crying

Wait what's happening? Am I saying I like Stina? No! I like Sophie... right? This is so confusing! I have to think about this tomorrow. My sleep-deprived brain is probably causing me to hallucinate. 

When I wake up the next morning, I almost convince myself that the events of last night were just dreams. The keyword is almost. When the girls come down after another makeover to collect our match packets, I find my eyes drawn to Stina instead of Sophie! She is wearing a knee-length red dress with black high heels. Her black eyeshadow and dark red lipstick go together perfectly, making her look beautiful but also dangerous. Some of her hair is plaited and  the rest is left loose.

 Some of her hair is plaited and  the rest is left loose

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When she comes near me I whisper, "Wow Stina! You look nice!" She blushes, "Thank you," I notice Biana watching us closely and I scowl at her

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When she comes near me I whisper, "Wow Stina! You look nice!" She blushes, "Thank you," I notice Biana watching us closely and I scowl at her. She smiles back sweetly and I roll my eyes.  We make our way to the leapmaster and Biana shouts, "Matchmaking Office!" We step into the light and let it sweep us away, not knowing what was going to happen. Our lives could be changed forever by this.

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