Sophie's POV

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Hey guys! So this book is off hold and this is the last chapter! I can't thank you guys enough for the 2.9k reads!!!

After that fateful sleepover, Dex and Marella went on an extremely successful date, followed by Linh and Wylie. After fearing Fitz's rage for a month, Tam finally worked up the courage to ask Biana out. Fitz, surprisingly, didn't object, seemingly preoccupied with something else. We ended up finding out what it was two months later when Keefe, who had gone to purchase some prank supplies from Slurp and Burps, spotted Fitz and a beautiful girl walking around Atlantis hand in hand! Immediately he decided to prank Fitz and his date by turning Fitz's hair bright yellow and his eyes a sickly green by discreetly emptying hair dye and another potion into Fitz's food. The girl's scream was instantly recognised by Keefe as Stina's! Somewhat surprisingly for me, when Keefe told me, I felt absolutely no jealousy at all! Maybe this was proof that I was completely over Fitz! 

However, I was getting slightly annoyed with Keefe. Why couldn't he just ask me out already? Did he not mean what he said at the sleepover? Then one day, when I had just finished playing with Wynn and Luna, my hair a wild mess, my clothes full of dirt, there was a gentle knock on my room door. "Come in!" I called. 

The elf who stepped through took my breath away. Keefe was wearing a dark blue tunic with a black tie and black pants. His  hair was in its usual messy style, but it was the look in his eyes that took me by surprise. His normally mischievious and playful eyes now held deep love and affection and it was all directed at me! "Hey Foster!" he said. I finally came to my senses, blushing furiously at the state of my appearance. I tried to brush away the dirt but stopped when Keefe's gentle voice told me, "Foster, don't worry about it. I love you no matter what you look like." He loved me? It seemed the question showed on my face for he came towards me and took my hands in his. "Yes Foster. I love you. I've always loved you, since I took you to Elwin on the first day of Foxfire. Sophie Foster I love everything about, your brown eyes, the way you bite your lip every time you're confused, your obliviousness... I could go on and on. But let me ask what I came here to ask. Sophie Elizabeth Foster, would you be my girlfriend?" 

I couldn't breathe for a moment. His confession was so sweet. But when what he asked finally registered I jumped into his arms. "Yes Keefe! Yes!" His face broke into a grin as he set me down. Then his lips captured mine and I lost myself in the moment. We kissed who knows how many times, but when Keefe was leaving my room, he turned around saying, "Tomorrow 6. I'll meet you here!" He kissed me one last time before leaving. 

Who would have thought that one sleepover could have led to all this?

Whew! It's done! I can't believe it! Thank you so much to everyone who supported me. Your encouragement really helped me a lot. Shoutout to:





For commenting and percabethsokeefe4eva for voting on every chapter without fail. Thanks to everyone who voted as well! I appreciate all the support that motivated me to finish this book!

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