Biana's POV

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When I opened Everglen's huge gates, I saw Keefe and Sophie lying down together. I almost squeal in excitement! 'Sokeefe is going to sail this sleepover!' I say to myself. Then I walk up to them teasingly and say, "Am I interrupting something?" . They both jump and Keefe says, " " No Foster was just confessing her undying love for me as usual and going on about how she can't live without me." Sophie rolls her eyes and gives him a small push before picking up her bag and following me into the house.

"All the girls are here already. Even Stina. We're doing makeovers!" I exclaim. Sophie groans, but follows me up to my room anyway. The girls have laid out the make-up already.

I immediately begin on Linh, putting her hair up into a messy bun. "Here, put this on," I say to her, handing her a dark blue dress. Then I started on her makeup. I gave her light blue eyeshadow, mascara and light pink lipstick. Passing her 2-inch light blue heels, I started to work on Marella.

 Passing her 2-inch light blue heels, I started to work on Marella

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