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(The idea for the blobs forming is from GlitchyEx3)

Dream was a good actor, and it helped that no one could see his face. Despite the fear and sadness that weighed on his shoulders every second, he managed to convince everyone he was just as happy as before. He was 20 now, managing to spend a whole year without breaking character.

But when he got a huge cut on his arm and his blood fell onto his bed, he became horrified when it started to bubble. Soon enough a small green and white blobby creature formed from the blood. Dream knew that meant his transformation was going to be soon, but he still loved his new child. He decided to name this one Ace.

Soon he got more blobs. There was Ace, Jazz, Dirt, Berry, Juice, Cave, Jewel, Sky, and Salmon. Each was a little bit different than the others, having both a different color and a different feature about them. They often looked like they were wearing clothing and had hair, though that was just how they formed. Eventually Nightmare brought his blob, a red and white one called Nether.

It was half a year after Nether came, and Dream finally made his decision. According to Nightmare's calculations he got from Axen's notes, they had a year's time before Dream's transformation. Dream made his choice. He would go with Nightmare's plan. He'd rather lose everyone he loved to hate than death.

And as he began the plan, he was thankful his face was covered by a mask. That way, no one could see his tears. He watched as he hurt and manipulated the people he loved dearly, each word and action making him feel as though his heart was shattering into a million pieces.

Nightmare's heart was breaking as well, though he didn't bring it up. Still, it hurt with each tear that slipped out from his brother's eyes and every sting of pain Dream felt. It pained Nightmare to be unable to hug his twin and tell him that everything would be better, to be unable to ease his brother's pain in any way.

Nightmare knew that it wouldn't get better for either of them. Once Dream was locked away and became a mindless monster, Nightmare would once again be alone. Dream knew that what he was doing was necessary. If he didn't do this, he would end up killing them or another admin would kill them. 

The two twins knew this was the best path, but that didn't stop the pain or sorrow. It didn't stop the memories of their "classmates" from coming back, wondering who killed them and how they managed to go through their transformations all on their own. It didn't stop them from missing their simple lives on The Plane, and their lives before they knew of the transformation.

477 words

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