The Cave and The Journal

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Ranboo wasn't sure what he was doing, or how he got to where he was. He had blacked out after he finished talking with Tubbo, and then suddenly he woke up in a cave with a book in his hands. He wasn't sure why, but it almost felt like someone brought him there and had him find the book, someone he knew but had never met. 

It was an odd feeling for sure, but the book caught his interest a bit more. He opened it up to see that the book was a journal, the handwriting beautiful and a little... familiar. Ranboo looked around the cave until he spotted a small mint camelback sofa with a matching mint ottoman in front of it and a small bookshelf/table to the left. Ranboo sat down on the sofa and opened the book, beginning to read.

(Writing in italics)

Entry #1:
How are people supposed to start journals? Like, "Dear Diary" or something, right? 

Whatever, it doesn't matter. No one's going to read this, but in case they do I'm not going to say any names. I don't want anyone knowing or figuring out I wrote this. I guess you can call me... CD for now, person who's not supposed to be reading this. 

Anyways, I'm really excited right now. I got accepted into the class today along with my twin brother, who I'm gonna call BN. We're going to be the youngest in the class, but whatever. Age has never mattered with this stuff, except for when being considered for a position among the elders.

Either way, I know me and BN are going to become top of the class together! Well, probably 2nd in the class since there's pretty much no surpassing ED. She's a perfect candidate, and I love her. Not in a romantic way though, she's like my older sister.

Anyways, my first class is about to begin so, bye I guess. Don't look into what I wrote by the way.

Entry #2:
I swear I haven't forgotten about writing. I've just been so busy with class that I haven't had much time.

Class is great by the way. All of my classmates are super fun, though I mostly hang out with ED, CV, ST, WS, SE, ZB and LF. None of those are their real names by the way, in case the person who's reading this is an idiot and couldn't figure that out. Oh, I also hang out with BN all the time of course since he's my brother and all.

The teacher's fun too. She teaches us stuff for the first 3 quarters of class, but then has us teach eachother or just hang out for the rest of the time. Sometimes we do all just goof off together, but most of the time we actually do work and stuff since we don't wanna risk failing.

I can't imagine what failing would be like, since no one's ever failed before. Can you even fail this class? I don't think I want to be the one to find out.

My little sister, FD, is going to be put into a different class. Apparently they're planning on trying a different chemical for them and try some different teaching methods. I'm really excited for her, though I'm a bit upset that I won't get to have class with her. 

I'm sure she'll do great though, and based off what I heard with their plan for that class she's gonna have a lot of fun. Almost wish I was put into that class, but I'm happy where I am.

Got to go again, write you later! That was lame, ignore that.

The rest of the entries were similar to the first two. Just random stories, a lot of which were confusing to Ranboo. However, when he got to entry #21, the mood of the book seemed to change drastically. It went from a happy kid logging stuff about their class and friends, to an adult talking about what sounded to be their last days...

Entry #21

I honestly forgot about this thing. I think I stopped writing after what happened to my brother... I'm glad I brought it along though, it's a good memory of the past. I think I need that now more than ever.

If anyone is reading this for whatever reason, I still can't tell you my name. If you're someone I know, you could try and tell everyone about the truth. I can't let you do that.

If you are someone I know, just know that... I'm sorry. For everything. I wish there was a better way to accomplish my goal, but there's no time to find one. At least, there's no time for me to find one. It's too late for me, I'll be gone soon.

I'll try to write again, I guess. I don't know if I'll have the motivation.

Entry #22

It's been about... 3 months since I wrote the last entry? I'm not really sure. I guess I'll explain a few things here, since I'll never be able to share them to anyone else.

My brother, BN, died a long time ago. When he did die, he found these papers that told about what really happened to our classmates, and what would happen to me. The chemical the elders gave us, it pretty much kills us and everyone around us. Bn, or rather Bn's ghost which only I can see and hear, managed to find me and tell me about what would happen.

I don't have all that long before I get transformed, so we came up with a plan to stop the transformation from killing everyone. I have to hurt everyone I care about and make them hate me. 

I hate it, and I can never stop myself from crying when I hurt them. Luckily I'm able to hide my tears and keep the sadness out of my voice. I wish I had more time, enough time to figure out a better way to do this.

But I don't have more time, and at least this way no one has to die because of me. 

Entry #23

This is gonna be my last entry. The plan worked, and I'm going to be locked away from everyone else, by everyone else.

They're most likely going to take all my stuff as a form of revenge, so I'm gonna leave this journal here in this cave. Whoever's reading this, feel free to use the cave for yourself.

It's served as a safe place for me for a long time, and I hope it helps you too. In the back of the bookshelf, there's a cupboard that has a bunch of snacks from the place I was born.

If you would, please keep this place and journal secret. The cave still does hold a place in my heart, and I don't want it to be shared with a lot of people. I honestly don't want the truth to be revealed, in case someone figures out who I am. But, these things are yours now so I can't control what you do.

The rest of the journal was blank pages. Ranboo closed the book and looked around the cave again, before looking back at the closed book. Whoever wrote this had lived an amazing life, only for them to die with the truth never revealed.

They died with everyone they loved and cared about hating them, because they didn't want them all to die and they didn't have time to find a better way. The people they grew up, including their twin brother, died as well. 

And now, this journal was all that was left of them all, but even then no one would ever know their names. It was a sad fate for anyone to suffer through, and they had to go through it alone. Ranboo knew that he would honor the man's wishes and keep the cave and journal secret. The man deserved that much, didn't he?

1337 words

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