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Dream was extremely bored, trapped in his prison cell with only a clock. Tommy and Sam visited him sometimes, but that wasn't enough to strive off the boredom. And with the boredom came memories, of both his time in the SMP and in his old home.

He remembered the other admins in his "class". There was Creep, a green and black wearing boy who, despite being older than Dream and his twin, was pretty short, and who loved explosives. Creep was super hyper and friendly, especially the another classmate named Wit, who happened to be his boyfriend.

Wit was a rarity like the twins, though less so. He was a cousin, which is an admin born from a flower that shares its stem with another flower. Wit always played the long game, preferring to slowly but surely break something, or someone, down. As a result he was incredibly stubborn, always standing his ground.

Skele was Wit's cousin, but the two were not all that alike. Skele's name fit her personality well, as both are quite silly. Her motto was to shoot your shot and stay straight on it like an arrow, but always be prepared for the wind. She got along with pretty much everyone, but she did have a bit of a temper.

Lin was a hothead, and she hated Wit. No one knew exactly why, but they thought it might be because she liked Creep. She was fun to hangout with, although she had a very short temper. She often snapped and yelled, but luckily Zom was able to calm her down.

Zom himself was the strong and silent type. He did have quite the green thumb, loving to grow carrots and potatoes, and he also loved animals. One thing about him was that when he saw something he wanted, he would go after it nonstop. He wasn't always the smartest, but everyone else in class loved him.

Spid was Skele's best friend and was definitely a handful. She was very athletic, and often you would find her on top of something since she absolutely loved to climb. Another thing she loved was The Overworld's magic, specifically potions. She often tried to recreate them, but never quite got them right.

Moosh always helped Spid with her experiments, and she always made food for everyone. In general Moosh was helpful and kind, but the twins weren't too close to her. Really, Moosh wasn't super close to anyone, preferring to help and then close herself off, in a way.

Phan was always jokingly called nocturnal, since she usually slept all the time during the day but was up throughout the night. Despite that, she was very big on the others going to sleep at night. Everyone knew that if one person stayed up for three nights or more in a row, they would all deal with Phan's lecture. Despite sleeping through class, she was very smart and learned more when sleeping than when awake.

Guar and Guard also closed themselves off. The two were siblings, Guard being a year older than his brother, and really only talked to each other. Honestly, Dream only knew that they were siblings and that they were very strong.

Gol and Em were a bit odd. Dream barely remembered them, but he did know that they were very friendly and nice. They didn't have genders, and they didn't talk at all. They had the same amount of magic as everyone else, but it was believed something went wrong when they were born. The two had no relation to each other, despite being so similar.

Ast was a bit of a crybaby, or so people thought. In truth, she was just born a bit off so he could never stop crying. He was actually quite cheerful and nice, and she absolutely loved fire. He also never stuck to a gender, preferring to switch from male to female, which was pretty easy thanks to her magic. She did have a male body though, but no one said anything about that to him.

Aze was Ast's best friend. He also loved fire, though his personality was a lot more like Lin's. He was hotheaded, but a bit less social than the pink haired girl. Nightmare was much closer to him than Dream ever was, since their personalities were rather similar.

And then there was Ender. She was pretty much the leader of the class, and everyone liked her. She was quite motherly and often called the mom of the class. She took care of the twins, the other classmates doing so themselves though less so, since they were the youngest.

Dream missed all of them, and he missed his teacher. Olive, the elder that taught the class, was sweet and easy to learn from. She taught them everything they needed to know, and had them learn from each other. Dream's favorite lessons were about blobs, the white and blobby minions/children of all admins, but there weren't many of those.

Dream remembered when Tommy asked him who he missed most. Dream had refused to answer the question, since there were too many people he missed for him to choose. He didn't even know who he was most sorry to, since it switched often. Right now though, it was definitely to Tommy.

Dream knew nothing would ever fully fix what he did to Tommy. Perhaps there was a different, a better way, to get stuck in this prison. Dream doubted that though, and either way it was too late to change his actions.

His blobs curled up into Dream's lap, Nightmare floating close to him in silence. The end of Dream was nearing and he knew, but at least those he loved would be safe. He hoped they would be, or else his actions would have been for nothing.

Dream let himself fall asleep, wondering when it would all be over. He hoped it was soon, for he wasn't sure how long he could take these feelings.

995 words

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