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{Okay, so I realized I should have put this in earlier and stuff but keep in mind that all the ships in this book are not ships of IRL people but of their SMP characters. Also, please keep in mind that Wit is not the Wither and that the admins [besides Dream, Nightmare, and Drista] are my own original creations [though you can use/draw them if you give credit]. Sorry for how late in the book this is and for how long it is.}

It had been three weeks since Sam had found the birds, and the camera footage from a week before was corrupted. To put it shortly, Sam had no idea where the birds came from and where Dream went. That was a bit of a problem, especially when he had to share the news. Now, the SMP was weary of where the prisoner went, and the giant bird and the smaller birds around had proven to be quite unfriendly. 

To make matters worse, the smaller birds had managed to leave the prison during an inspection and they seemed to be multiple quickly. They decided to call the giant bird Dream Phoenix, due to it's face being similar to Dream's mask and the fact it was in Dream's cell, and the smaller birds Dreamixs. They considered the birds to be mobs, just like Endermen and Creepers.

Things were changing on the SMP even more, since many people reported that they felt as though someone was watching them. Most of those who hadn't reported felt the same, though they said nothing. Techno, Tommy, Bad, George, and Sapnap felt themselves being watched the most, especially when they had Nether with them. The presence that nearly everyone felt didn't feel malicious or like it wanted to hurt, though it did feel kinda angry and slightly protective.


(P.S. I don't know if this is actually true, but in this au Philza can understand birds and talk to them.)
(Also, Dream's cell in this au is very, very big [about the size of a mansion main entrance, so like a quarter of a baseball field long and tall], unlike in cannon)

Philza looked around the forest he was walking through. He had come there for some peace and quiet, plus he was looking for some sweet berries for something he was planning to cook later. Philza had already found plenty of sweet berries, so now he was just looking for someplace to get some rest.

But he had been caught off guard when he heard rustling and unfamiliar voices. He heard a few birds tweeting about something dangerous, but they were somewhat far away making it hard for Philza to really hear what they were saying. Philza silently crept towards whatever was making the noise, and held his breath when he saw a Dreamix running around.

The Dreamixs' were fast, very fast. The people in the SMP had learned that fast when they went to inspect Dream's cell and find out how he escaped. They were about as fast as roadrunner (26 mph) at their normal pace, but it had become quickly apparent that they could much faster if they wanted two, about a cheetah's slower pace (50 mph). This specific Dreamix was going rather slow, though it was still pretty fast. 

<Bird speech/talking in "bird" in bold>

"Remember, can't remember." Need to find something, what is it?" The bird kept repeating as it ran around in a circle. Philza had heard the other Dreamixs, but their words were more of them saying things like kill or run, nothing like this. With a deep breath, Phil calmly approached the Dreamix.

"Hello?" Phil greeted in a questioning manner. The Dreamix turned to him, but made no move to attack or run away. In fact, it stood still which Phil had never seen a Dreamix do.

"Do you know what I'm looking for?" The Dreamix said, it's feather tail moving back and forth as it's wings ruffled. It seemed to be friendly, though Philza was ready to pull out his sword if it made any moves. He decided he would try to help the mob, for curiosity's sake.

"No, but what do you remember about the thing you're looking for?" Phil asked, slowly moving up from his previous crouched position so he was fully standing up. The Dreamix sat in thought for a while with it's head down. Suddenly he threw his head and his tail began moving quickly.

"It creature. Friend asked me to look, said Philza able to talk to me, so ask him. It name is Nether." The Dreamix said, seemingly proud of itself for remember. Philza was confused. Who told the Dreamix to talk to him, and what is the creature? And who would name something Nether, and why did a creature named Nether sound familiar?

That's when it hit him. Philza had been talking to Tommy and Techno, when they told about how they found this blobby thing that responded to the name "Nether". That had to be what the Dreamix was looking for, but why? And why was this Dreamix so different from it's brethren?

"I'm Philza, and I think I know what you're looking for is." Philza told the mob. The Dreamix instantly began to run around Philza, asking the winged man to take it to the other creature. Philza agreed to, and began to walk to Tommy's where he last heard the blobby creature was. God, he hoped this wasn't a bad idea.


"So you brought a Dreamix here, because it asked you to bring it to Nether?" George asked Philza as Techno went and got the blobby thing. Phil nodded, glancing over at the Dreamix who was stood waiting patiently. Tommy was watching the mob as well, Sapnap not being at the house since he was with his fiancés.

"To be far, if a Creeper or Blaze or something asked you to take it somewhere, you'd probably do it, just out of curiosity and confusion." Bad said in Phil's defense. George agreed, Tommy giving his own grunt of agreement as he watched the Dreamix carefully.

Techno opened the door and walked into the living room/kitchen where everyone was, the red and white blobby creature known as Nether sitting on his shoulder. Nether quickly began to bounce upon seeing the Dreamix, and bounced off Tehno shoulder in front of the mob when it was close enough.

The two began speaking to each other, though not in a way anyone else understood. After a bit, the Dreamix picked up Nether with it's beak and ran out of the house. The people inside said house ran after the two to the best of their ability, though the Dreamix was much faster than them. 

When the Dreamix finally stopped and the five caught up, there were many gasps upon seeing a very familiar mask. There was almost no doubt that it was Dream, with the blonde hair peeking out from the mask that was undoubtedly his. His clothing was different, his hoodie being red and black instead of green and white.

"D-Dream?..." George said, his words slipping away from him. Dream turned to the five other people, and Philza realized that something wasn't quite right with Dream...and that Dream's presence felt familiar in a different way.

"Well, well, well, it's been awhile, hasn't it?" Dream- no, that wasn't Dream. Although his voice sounded similar to Dream's, it wasn't the same. The person's words held no threat, but their voice held much anger. They put their hand under Nether and the Dreamix let go of the blobby creature, the person putting Nether onto their shoulder.

"You're not Dream..." Bad said, his eyes wide. The masked person laughed, their laugh holding something sadistic. Yet, there was a hint of sadness within said laugh...

"No, I am not Dream. At least you can tell that much, although you don't know anything about him. You call yourselves his friends, yet you could never figure it out..." the person said, this time the sadness was much more clear in his voice.

"What are yo-" Tomy began, but was cut off when the person growled loudly. Despite wearing a mask, Philza knew they were glaring at them.

"Shut it. You have no right to know, not after what you did. Not to mention that you stole Nether from me!" The person growled, Nether nuzzling into their hoodie. Philza only just now noticed that the Dreamix had run off...

"You are all awful friends, and I have no idea why Daydream cared for you... you don't deserve it." The person said, before disappearing into the shadows behind a tree taking Nether with him.

Philza and the others looked for the man for what felt like hours, but to no avail. He just... disappeared. None of them knew what he meant, but they felt like they were missing part of a puzzle.

1491 words

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