Bonus Chapter: A Hero's Exile

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Axen had been proud of his position among the elder admins, but now he regretted ever feeling that way. He had seen so many admins sent down to The Overworld, each having eyes of wonder and pride and wide smiles on their faces. And because of the elders' chemical, each one of those admins' lives and been cut short and they had experienced pain that was like no other.

Axen had discovered the truth and tried to reveal the truth, but he had been cast out into a world known as The Exile. But Axen knew of a way to The Overworld from The Exile, and he used this way to grab supplies and objects. He stole a mirror, ingredients, some food and water, a desk, a quill, and many notebooks. With his new setup in The Exile, he made his own chemical.

When he used said chemical on himself, he had felt a searing pain in his eyes that burned and then... stopped. When he looked into his stolen mirror, he saw that his once bluish gray eyes had turned pure white. He was horrified at his reflection, but he whispered a phrase that all admins learned to help give them strength and hope.

"A Hero's Brine Never Fails". In The Plane, the word brine meant multiple things that have no direct translations to The Overworld's language, but the closest translations would probably be "determination", "selflessness", or "valor". In the phrase said, the closest translation would be "A Hero's Determination Never Fails".

Axen had managed to send warnings to some of the newest admins, Gol, Em, Moosh, Lin, Wit, Ast, Aze, and Ender. After Ender was transformed in a different world by herself, Axen knew it would only be a few decades until Nightmare, Dream, and Drista were sent down one after the other. And he knew three admin monsters were much, MUCH, more dangerous than one.

Axen decided that he would go into The Overworld and try to help the best he could, since in between admins being sent down none of the elder admins would watch The Overworld. Maybe, just maybe, he could find a way to fix things. He doubted it, but hope was all he had right now.


A white-eyed man stood in a field of flowers, taking deep breaths. He had finally arrived in The Overworld, and the fresh air was like ecstasy to his lungs. He felt free, but he knew he... wait, what did he know? He couldn't remember why the fresh air felt so good or why he was in this field of flowers. He knew he had some kind of important task, but he couldn't remember what it was.

He remembered that he was an admin, and he knew he was in The Overworld. He also remembered a single phrase, "A Hero's Brine Never Fails" and he knew what it meant. But what was his name? And why was he in The Overworld? What-

"Hello there?" A voice asked from behind. The man turned to see a gorgeous woman behind him. She also didn't seem to be afraid of his pure white eyes that he remembered had scared so many people.

"Um, hello. Do you know where I am?" The man asked, looking around slightly. The woman walked towards with a beautiful and kind smile placed on her lips. Her smile could have warmed the hearts of even the coldest people alive, the man was sure of it.

"I do actually. This is Oscur Flower Field. To the left is Oscur Waterfall and Caves, and behind me is Oscure Village." The woman explained, pointing to the locations she said. Suddenly her eyes grew slightly wide and she gave a small laugh. "Oh where are my manners? My name is Reyna, what's yours?"

"My name... my name is Herobrine. It is a pleasure to meet you Reyna." The man responded, deciding on a name for himself with confidence. "Do you think you could maybe show me around?"


It had been many years since Axen, or Herobrine as he now preferred to be called, went to The Overworld. There he had married Reyna, and the two, through magic, had two amazing children named Sky and Eret. Sky had disappeared from The Overworld when he messed around with his magic, and now only his father remembered him.

Herobrine was back in The Exile, and his memory had returned to him. He knew now that he had failed in his goal, but not entirely. During his time in The Overworld he had managed to find items called Totems of Undying. He had taken two back with him to The Exile, and he knew of the soul that rested inside.

Herobrine remembered her name. Totem, the first admin to be sent to The Overworld. When she was killed by Players, the elder admins had decided that admins sent down from there on out would never be allowed to tell that they were admins. But, holding the two items in his hand, Herobrine knew that Totem wasn't fully dead. Her essence was shattered between all of the Totems of Undying.

Now the former elder admin had two new goals. First, he would try to free the admins from The Void where they were stuck. They deserved their lives back, and Herobrine would give it to them, as his way to repent for sending them down. His second goal was to piece back together the first admin Totem, for he knew she would be needed soon. Something was coming, something dark. He wasn't sure what it was, but he knew that while it was here, it would be Herobrine's only opportunity to stop the elders rule and to allow admins to make their own decisions for how to live.

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