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Ranboo hadn't been back to the cave for a while, since there had been so much going on. But right now, he felt like he needed a place to be alone and be safe without having to worry about someone finding him, and that was what the cave was made for wasn't it? 

Ranboo was shocked to see that the cave had changed slightly. There were more books in the bookshelf and the couch was set up like a bed. The cabinet had been locked to, and Ranboo couldn't find the key. No one was there though, Ranboo made sure of it. And the cave wasn't really his and he had a house, so if someone was using it as a home what right did Ranboo have to be angry?

But the oddest thing was that the journal had been updated. The handwriting was different and it was quite obviously a different person, but they seemed to know who the old author was. Ranboo was curious, and so he decided to read the new pages.

(Writing in italics)

Entry #24

Should I be doing this? Well, I guess it's too late now. If someone is reading this, then you should know that I'm not CD. I'm BN, CD's dead twin brother who's stuck as a ghost. CD's also dead, but not in the way I am or in a way many would understand. I don't want to explain, so I'm not going to. It doesn't matter anyways.

It has been nearly... two months since my brother's death? I'm not quite sure, I haven't been keeping track of time that well. I think it's been almost two months, but I could be wrong. I hate that I am the only one who is mourning the loss of my brother, since his old "friends" hate him.

I don't even consider them to have been his friends. If they were his friends, wouldn't they have noticed that he didn't want to do what he was doing? Wouldn't they have realized he was crying? CD was a good actor, but me and the others could tell when he was hiding his sadness. So why couldn't they? It's like they wanted to blame him, like they wanted him to be a villain. 

I hate them so much. They may not deserve all of that hate, I know that. I'm probably just trying to find someone to blame for my brother's death... Speaking of his old "friends", five of them discovered me. I'm sure they've told pretty much everyone by now what I look like. 

I've been living in this cave, my brother's old home. I may not write in this journal much, but if someone is reading this and you knew my brother, then just know that he was a good person. He really didn't want to do what he did, and he cared for all of you. Also, I'm not here to hurt any of you. I promised I would watch over and protect you all, and I intend to keep that promise no matter how much I dislike you all.

Ranboo was shocked by what he read. If this entry was relatively new, then that means that the old author could have been someone Ranboo knew. And there was only one person that Ranboo knew off who had done bad things and been put in prison...

"Hey, you really shouldn't break into someone's house and read a dead man's journal." A voice said behind Ranboo. The half enderman turned around, and saw a man with a white mask and a black and red hoodie standing with his arms crossed in front of him.


(Mwahaha, cliffhanger!)
[More Eret than I originally planned to have because of YourSwissOtaku and RHPPFlmao]

"Thanks again for watching Zorro Eret." Fundy said to his adoptive father, as said father handed Fundy back his son. Despite the weird feathers growing on Zorro, the baby was perfectly fine and healthy.

"It's no problem, I'm always happy to watch my grandson." Eret said with a smile, his crown hanging loosely on his head. After the two said their goodbyes, Eret went to leave the house as Fundy placed Zorro into his playpen in the living room.

"Um, Fundy? You should really come in here." Eret called to his adopted fox son. Fundy was confused but walked to the front door. He became very nervous when he saw Philza and Ghostbur standing outside.

"O-oh, hey! I didn't expect to see you here!" Fundy said, his nerves shining through his words. Philza and Ghostbur were obviously suspicious, but they didn't say anything.

"Well, we ju-" Phil began to say, before a baby's crying cut him off. Everyone's eyes widened, though you couldn't see Eret's from behind his sunglasses.

"Fundy, what was that?"

(Second cliffhanger!)

801 words 

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