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Dream was confused. Very, very confused. After the transformation finished, he thought he would cease to exist or something. Instead, he found himself floating in a vast, empty space. With a pack of uno cards too, for some reason.

I noticed that all along my arms there were green feathers, and I had grown a feather tail with three long feathers that grew very large at the ends. My hair was even styled more similar to a fancy bird's feathers, slick back and slightly lifting up at the end. It was very odd.

Dream picked up the uno cards and tried to walk. Surprisingly, it was very easy to walk in this floorless place. He walked for a good long while until I heard voices. Very, VERY, familiar voices. Voices he thought he would never hear again.

He started walking quicker, or rather he ran, towards the voices. Eventually he saw them and skidded slightly on the non-ground ground as Dream stopped. It was really them, though they looked different than I remembered. His old classmates, and his friends. The only friends he really had left now, he supposed.

They all looked different though. They looked different, but were still very clearly the people he grew up with. Even with the wings, tails, and other things on them that were never there before, they were his friends and old classmates. Another thing he noticed was that each of them had an item, much like the uno cards Dream held.

"Dream? Is that you?" Phan asked once she saw him. The girl now had green eyes that seemed to glow and had large wings with membranes that looked thin and slightly ripped. Her spine jutted out with sharp edges that looked as though they could cut through bone like warm butter. In her arms was a pillow, a very comfortable looking pillow.

"Y-yeah, it's me." Dream said, tears beginning to form in his eyes. His mask still covered his face, though with these people it wasn't necessary. When growing up in the plane he had never even thought about hiding his face from others, but during his time in The Overworld he never took his mask off, except when he was sure he was absolutely alone.

"Dream, why are you here alone? Shouldn't Nightmare be with you?" Moosh said. She had small horns growing from the top of her head, and mushrooms grew along her body. Specifically red mushrooms with white spots, though there were small brown mushrooms growing in the crevices of her horns. She herself had a wooden bowl in her hand, inside it being a steaming mushroom stew.

"Oh right, you guys weren't there for it... he didn't make it to The Overworld. The portal he went through malfunctioned and afterwards they couldn't find him anywhere." Dream said, painful sadness stinging through him as the memories of those days resurfaced. The other admins gave solemn looks and a few gasped.

"His ghost found me in The Overworld and he told me that he went to a realm that was like The Overworld, except it had been unaffected by admins. Turns out he died there." Dream said, feeling small tears slip from his eyes. The others also reared up slightly, and their expressions showed mourning.

Ender stood up, her new large black and purple wings folded behind her and her glowing purple eyes seeming to dull. She dropped the baby rattle she had been holding and walked up to Dream. She pushed his mask to the side of his head and wiped his tears with a sad smile.

"He was one of us, and always will be. Let our memories of him carry on his legacy with us, and his memories of us carry on our legacies with him." Ender said, wiping her own tears. The others nodded and wiped their own tears, sad smiles present on all their faces.

"What... is this place?" Dream eventually asked after many long moments of silence. The others shrugged, letting the melancholy mood fall from the atmosphere around them.

"We've just been calling this place The Void. All we know is that once we become monsters, we go here and get a random item." Skele said. Her pale white skin now was see through and allowed you to see her bones, her back having a bow and quiver hung on her back sturdily.

"We can sometimes look through the eyes of our kids and we can even make them do things for a very short period of time, but otherwise we just pass the time by talking and trying not to miss our old lives too much." Lin said, leaning her head on Zom's shoulder.

Her skin was very pink and she had small tusks curving out from her mouth. Her ears were longer and a bit floppy. She had a gold brick in her hands, and she held it tightly. Zom's skin was slightly green and there were tears in both his clothes and skin. He practically looked undead. In his hands he held a pot with a lily of the valley growing from it healthily.

"Well, I have uno cards so... we could play uno I guess?" Dream suggested, holding up the cards he had arrived with. The others perked up a bit, happy to have something new to do. Dream came over to the circle and sat down, opening up the pack of cards.


Sam had been gone for about a week, and when he came back to the prison... well, needless to say he was quite shocked that instead of Dream being in a prison cell there was a giant bird that didn't seem all that friendly. Plus a bunch of smaller (person-sized) birds that were very fast and also didn't seem friendly.

Sam had been gone for a week, how the hell did Dream escape?! And where did all the birds come from!? What the hell was going on?! Didn't Sam hire Phil to come check up on the place while he was gone!?

Sam just put his hands up and left, not very eager to tell everyone that Dream escaped and big birds were now occupying his cell. Sometimes Sam wondered why he even tried anymore.

1043 words

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