Bonus Chapter: Nightmare's Death

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Nightmare wasn’t sure what happened or where he went wrong. It had been a normal day for him and the others, or at least their version of a normal day. They had been fighting and having their version of fun, and time had flown by quickly.

But now Nightmare was on his knees in pain. All around him his blood began to pool, some of his blood still dripping from his mouth and being thrown up with his coughs. It hurt so badly, he even felt blood falling from his eyes. He heard Napsap and Georgewasfound yelling to him, but their words were lost in his ears.

He fell to his side on the grown, the pain quickly worsening as he felt his life painfully drain out of him slowly. He blinked, and the scene changed around him. Suddenly he wasn’t on the ground bleeding, but rather was in his old room from The Plane. The pain was still there, but things were almost peaceful.

“Nightmare, get up already! We’re going to be late for class!” A familiar voice said. Suddenly Dream’s face appeared in front of him, though it was younger than it would be now. Still, the familiar twinkle in his twin’s eye and the freckles dotting his cheeks that Nightmare himself had, brought even more peace.

“You know, I bet you’re so grumpy because you stay up late and then sleep in. Actually, it’s probably just cause you’re a jerk.” Dream said with a laugh. Nightmare gave his own small chuckle, feeling his blood pool in his mouth and almost choke him.

“Dr… eam…” Nightmare barely managed to spit out the name of his brother. Nightmare coughed painfully, and blinked again. Suddenly his old room and brother were gone, causing tears to form as the light inside him flickered out.

And suddenly there was nothing. No Dream, no players, no ground, no blood, no pain. And most of all, no Nightmare. He was gone, but he was still there, yet not as he was before. He was nothing that existed, yet he existed.

348 words

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